OM-ing with Lynn along the Outer Banks….

  My friend Lynn is vacationing with her family on  the Outer Banks of  North Carolina this week. I asked her to do a guest post today on her experience out there, in tune with the ocean and it’s soothing vibes.   She’s a big fan of yoga and it’s benefits.   What a perfect place to practice the art ~

To me the beach and yoga have many similarities. Both bring me peace, a sense of calm and a safe haven.  Just as the tides are always changing, so does life.  Yoga helps to keep me centered and to appreciated all of life’s blessings for which I am truly grateful.
There are so many things to love about the Outer Banks, but I’d have to say my favorite thing is walking this same path every morning to sit quietly, practice a little yoga and take in a glorious sunrise. Namaste to that!
There is beauty in nature everywhere…
We love collecting all the different kinds of seashells after high tide…
..and taking late afternoon walks along the beach..
where we’ve come across some pretty cool sand creations by local artists!
To listen to the soothing  rythym and  sound of the waves crashing along
the shore until sunset is to witness an ageless ritual that has not changed
since the beginning of time…
There is peace here.