
  We had a fundraiser yesterday (and today but I’m not today’s crew) at Pet Valu in Guilford   –  pets or children’s picture taken with the Easter Bunny for a $5. donation to Homeward Bound CT – the proceeds will help us pay for the next adoption event – which is NEXT WEEKEND!!!  
 This big boy was such a happy fella – loved everyone he saw, including the big bunny.  If this breed of dog didn’t come with so many health problems, I’d love to have one.  Now and then they do come up on the rescue radar, but not too often.  He has a very good home with his own family so he does not need rescuing, I just wanted to hug him. I think he’s three feet wide and two feet tall – 

Anyway – A good time was had by all, except for just a few dogs who thought the Easter Bunny was something sent up from Hell to torment them specifically, judging by their reaction.  
Here are a few highlights…
My favorite….

These girls are golden- good friends, good hearts, good souls. It’s a great feeling to get involved in a cause and accomplish things for the better with like minded people.  Doesn’t matter how big or small the contributions might be – I highly recommend finding a cause you feel passionate about and get involved in whatever way is doable in your life.  It does a body ( and soul)  good.