Thank you Neighbor

 It’s been a hectic two weeks with family visiting and camp schedules and alittle work and still unpacking?!  and  heat management, it’s been so gawd-awful HOT.    I have another room or two to reveal in the next post… but today I’de like to thank yet another wonderful neighbor, Mrs. N.,  for leaving these beautiful  blueberry and raisin bran muffins at my door. I’ve blogged about her before…   Her road is not an easy one, and yet she finds time to help many others…and oh boy, can she bake ðŸ™‚

 The heat has not been a friend to our fledgling garden this year.  It didn’t help that we threw in the plants hastily without proper fortification of the soil… but we are reaping a small harvest and that’s better than nothing.  This fall we will do what needs to be done to the soil so that next years crops will be a happier lot.

I think I might actually have an edible melon or two… will let you know…

10 thoughts on “Thank you Neighbor”

  1. Yep, that is some keeper of a neighbor… and your garden fare looks yummy to me 🙂 Hope you survive the heat… I am savoring every bit of it.

  2. What a sweet neighbor!! The muffins look delish! I don't think your garden pickings look so shabby either. I am just getting flowers on my tomato plants but I planted SO late. Funny how we can learn from our experiences…


  3. So nice of your neighbor, and this reminds me I need to check on one of mine. Everything has been topsy turvy lately, but I will do that today. Thanks for the reminder.

    Your melon looks so pretty.

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