Thank yous, updates and a request

  Thank you all for your kind words, always.  Whether it’s a loss, or a heartbreak, or a teen or senior moment, you’re there with a kind word or a suggestion or a commiseration, and I appreciate every one of you.  Well, except for the guy who periodically leaves that boycott-american women comment. You gotta feel sorry for him, obviously he picked some real winners.    Dude… it’s you.

  The old grey mare of a house?  REALLY ain’t what she used to be… M and J have decided she’s too soft in the rafters to give another go.  So.. the owner might find someone else to do something with her, but it won’t be us. My guess is she’ll be bulldozed into the ground, and it’s just sad that she was let go for so long.

   Some of you have expressed a dislike for all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and some of you are overwhelmed.  Some of you go all out with the decorations and gift hunting and some add just a few simple touches.  There is no right way to be here.  What brings you joy?  That’s all that should matter.

   I hope you find joy this season, whatever that means for you.
If you’re so inclined, tell me your favorite piece of holiday spirit…
whether it’s grandmas cookie recipe or a favorite old stocking,
the religious meaning or a big family gathering.

For christmas day, I’d like to do a post consisting of a picture from each of you
who would like to participate… any picture you have that represents the spirit of the season.
It can also be of anything at all – a bird, an ornament, a holiday party, a place..
It can be recent or from days gone by.. up to you.
E-mail your photo and the caption you would like me to put underneath it
Also include your blog address so I can link it.
We’ve got just four days to put this together…
lets see how  many of you I can get to participate.

23 thoughts on “Thank yous, updates and a request”

  1. Great pictures! !!!!! I guess my favorite part is going to moms Christmas morning for a huge breakfast and opening presents . Have a great day

  2. I agree. Christmas evokes many emotions, some good, some sad. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the wonderful photos.


  3. Oh, I love your splendid photo selections here, Karen. Looks like the holidays ~ and yes, what gives you joy? Because that is what you should be doing. Yes, it's stressful finding (and affording) the gifts to share. But it really shouldn't be about that.

    I'll do the photo thing!

  4. It's downright easy to be nice to you, Karen; you're a great friend to many.

    LOVE the photo's, and look at your cookie making helper. How cute!

  5. First of all, sorry for the trapping photo — I hope it didn't upset you too much. But, I must post about what's going on in my life and that includes trapping. I think you'll forgive me this one, right? 🙂

    Your photos are so awesome, Karen. You really capture the spirit of your holiday. Magical, really. 🙂

  6. A sweet post from a sweet person 🙂

    My favourite part of Christmas is the moment my family leaves our house, so I can get the fake smile of my face and just relax again.

    But hey, wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


  7. I haven't 'met' the guys that wants to boycott American women and I hope I don't, lol!

    I'll have to ponder your request and see what I can come up with… sounds like fun!

    Great photos!

  8. Karen – Merry Christmas to you and your family. Love the photos but especially the fireplace one… nice and cozy and inviting.

  9. Ah, Karen- You echo my sentiments exactly. I see you have the same Boycott American Women "boyfriend" that I have. Gotta love an idiot like that- NOT!!!!

    I agree- Christmas is as stressful as you let it be. I think you do what you can do and let the rest go. Maybe that comes with age~when you start to realize what really matters and what doesn't. If we can keep in mind the REAL REASON behind Christmas we won't get too far off track.

    Blessings- I might do that Christmas picture thing if I can get may act together. xo Diana

  10. Love, love, love the photos! I'm sure you've guessed that my favorite part of Christmas is December 26th, when it's all over!

  11. Great set of pics Karen! Now….I do not believe I have ever seen a decorated Chicken Coop before! Love that. And…how did you get your teenage son to help with the Christmas baking??? Bribery?? LOL!

  12. Love all your photos…even the chicken coop looks festive!! I sent you a few of my house…I do enjoy decorating outside for Christmas!

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