The Age of Aquariums

 Fish tanks are nothing new around here. The Mr. has a big Cychlid tank at his office and I’ve got my Betta tank.  Junior has for the past year had a five gallon with a goldfish he rescued from the parking lot of the Guilford Fair. He watched as a family disgarded their prize goldfish in a baggie..left it right on the ground in a leaking bag!  He scooped it up and put it in his soda cup and brought it home.  I bought it a friend, and they’ve been living together happily with the hulk every since.

A few days ago, Junior and a few of his friends were spending alot of time at the Petstore. When I inquired, I was told… “L is getting more fish, we’re just checking it all out for his tank”.
Ok then.
Another trip to the pet store.
And another.
Then, on a quiet football and Sunday Sauce sunday,
there was the sudden pitter patter of three sets of teenage feet
up and down the front hall stairs,
and back and forth from the garage.
There may have been a bucket and hose involved.
“They’re up to something”, says the Mr.
although he was not leaving the football screen to check it out. 
It is sitting on his desk, the one he is supposed to do homework on.
55 gallons!???
“BUT.. it was on sale for an unbelievable price, Mom!
And I will TAKE CARE of it!  PROMISE!”
Husband looks at me and rolls his eyes..
 and quips with the sarcasm he has mastered,..
“He’s just like his mother“.
As if that were a bad thing.  🙂
Very cool, very mobile snail…
African butterfly, which is not as aggressive as they claim.
He kinda just wants to be left alone at the surface of the tank.
The others oblige.
Sunset mollies…
Silver Dollars…
He and two of his friends now have rather large tanks in their rooms.
One is kind of an expert, their house has atleast six salt water tanks.
The way I see it?
A couple of 16 year olds are showing interest in taking care of living things,
learning how to be responsible for something,
and they’ve earned their own money to pay for it.
It’s all good.  

20 thoughts on “The Age of Aquariums”

  1. I think it's good too, and it looks great! Kudos to the son for making this fabulous choice. *not rolling eyes here*

  2. I love this story!! (and what a nice young man you have!)

    Now you're making me want an aquarium again … we had a 20 gallon one for years. Gave it away when we moved here. Had bettas, but the last of them went to fish heaven a few months ago.

    Anyway, it IS good.

  3. I agree, it's all good. The tank looks great, and the colorful fish, so relaxing to look at. Very cool indeed.

  4. I agree with the Mr, Jr is like his mama, and that's a very good thing. I love seeing teenagers take responsibility when most likely they have great role models.


  5. How lovely!!! Both the fish tank and your son's tender heart!! I was reminded of the other night when my two had friends over playing some board game and whopping and hollering and my husband was sort of trying to sleep and complained about the noise and I said "they're drinking MILK for pete's sake!" Counting my blessing that's for sure!!

  6. He'll be learning a lot of responsibility with that and that's a good thing. Plus, we all know if he doesn't take care of it, you will. LOL, that's just the way you are. (not that he won't)

    I can think of many things I wouldn't have wanted my kids to be interested in, aquariums wouldn't be one of those things!

  7. It is beautiful! My son in law has some friends that started an aquarium care business when they were in high school…and twenty years later it is a thriving business:)

  8. It is good! I had an aquarium for a long time with goldfish who all got absolutely huge. I kept it until they all died of old age.

  9. As you said, it's all good! Any time a kid wants to take care of an animal of any kind, it's a good thing. Your son obviously has the character of his mother! Gorgeous tank by the way.

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