The Campground Cottages of Oak Bluffs

   A trip to the Vineyard isn’t complete without a stroll through the Campground Cottage Community in Oak Bluffs.  If you’ve arrived at the Oak Bluffs ferry terminal, you’re just a few blocks from the entrance to this unique community of some 400 cottages so charmingly and ornately decorated, you’ll want one to call your own.  In another life after a big lotto win, I would own four in a little circle off the main Trinity Circle…where friends and family could join us for respite and fun.

For more on the history of the community,
click on  this link 

Occasionally a few come for sale, and the price for a
“base model” is approximately $400K.
Most were built in the 1800’s and are kept up very well.
They are primarily summer residences, some winterized, and all
are sitting on leased land. So, you own the cottage, but not the land underneath it.
(thanks for that info, Joan)
The tabernacle, church and green are right in the heart of the community –
a great place to take in the cool breezes coming off Oak Bluff Harbor
and the music coming  from the tabernacle.

This one in particular was calling out to me… it has a little bit of fenced in yard
(perfect for my dogs!) and is right on the green.
Or these two! Side by side..
To see the inside of the house on the right below
or to RENT IT!!.. click HERE.
The owners put so much effort into all the details that make these cottages 
and this place so special.

Some of the cottages are available for rent, either by the week or longer..
click HERE for more information.
Tomorrow… off to Katama and the Farm Institute..