The Girls have arrived!

A few days ago I got a call from the post office…
My chickens had arrived and were making a racket!
Well, you would be too if you had been cramped into these boxes
with a “cell mate” for 24 hours.
I won’t buy pullets through the mail again,
although they are fine now and where they came from is a good farm.
I just don’t like the method.
Two in each.

These two are Cochins.. they have feathers on their feet!
Kinda looks like they’re wearing bellbottoms.

The black one semi-hidden is an Americauna (Ameraucana?)
They lay blue eggs…

And this sweet little hen is an Andalusian..

So far my original remaining five hens stay mostly outside the coop
and the new ones stay inside.
Not sure why the standoff, but eventually they’ll mingle more.
I won’t let the newbies free range until they fully understand
where home is.

Have I told you lately how much I love my chickens?

19 thoughts on “The Girls have arrived!”

  1. So glad your chicks arrived safely; I thought the Aracaunas laid all kinds of pastel colored eggs…? Green, blue, pink…?
    Nope, I've never had chickens although gathering eggs uses to be my chore at Aunt Bonnie's house.

  2. Pretty girls!!

    Is it just me, or do they look a little too big to have been in those cartons?

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. Welcome to the Hen House, Newbie Pullets!! From what I know, you're going to really like it there with Karen. (one day I will wear down the husband and I WILL have chickens. No roosters, just hens. It WILL happen.)

  4. Your post office employees must think you are like a "crazy chicken lady"!! bwahahahaha!!! Glad that they arrived safely…it is kind of cramped in there isn't it??

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