The Journey

 Many of my friends and acquaintances are going through transitions, major life changes. Marriages that I thought were rock solid are crumbling, careers are being tossed or tweaked, children are growing up and roles are changing.  DREAMS are changing.  Time is ticking and not necessarily or dependably on our side.

 When we’re young, it’s easier to throw caution to the wind, jump off the dock into the deep waters to pursue a dream, to pursue genuine fulfillment. There’s less to lose and time to change course yet again. The reasons why we don’t always take advantage of that period of life elude me.

  I’m meeting up with a fellow blogger later this month as she drives up the coast, embarking on a journey to enrich her life, to leave behind what she knows isn’t working and  follow her long-time dream.  It’s a huge leap of Faith she’s taking, her courage astounds me.   I’ve made this for her as a symbol of good luck in her future endeavors.

I haven’t a clue as to how my story will end.  But that’s all right.
When you set out on a journey and night covers the road,
you don’t conclude the road has vanished.
And how else could we discover the stars?
author unknown
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own.
No apologies or excuses.
no one to lean on, rely on, or blame.
 The gift is yours –
it’s an amazing journey
and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
This is the day your life really begins.
Bob Moawad

26 thoughts on “The Journey”

  1. It's beautiful Karen! She will love it and treasure it for sure! I wish her well too! This post certainly hits home for me… taking responsibility for one's own happiness…thank you for posting this… XO

  2. Karen – the horseshoe is beautiful, as are the words of wisdom.
    It's never too early, or late in ones life to take charge of it.
    The unknown is often what your heart and soul knew you needed all along.
    Does that make sense?

  3. What a wonderful gift, Karen. I am sure she will be blessed by it. It is scary making life changes at any point in time…and…the older we get the harder and scarier it is to make those moves. xo Diana

  4. Big changes afoot can be scary but so exhilarating at the same time. What a wonderful new start for her and to spend time with you will be uplifting for her. Give her tons of hugs from all bloggers!

  5. When we are young we are immortal. So much time to do anything we want. But when we get older, we realize time is slipping away, and the things we would do as young adults, we wouldn't do now even if we could.
    I love the horseshoe, it will be a precious gift to your friend.

  6. The horseshoe is so creative and beautiful. I'm sure your friend will love it. I also wish her luck as she steps out of her comfort zone to follow her dream.

  7. I thought the biggest changes that occurred in our lives existed mainly in our twenties and thirties. I was so wrong. We all seem braver than ever in making major changes and choices now, later in life. I wish your friend all the best.


  8. Wishing her the best of luck on her enrichment journey… and I LOVE the quotes!

    PS: Sure wish I had considered the future, way back in the past!

  9. lifelong dream????…..i wonder what that is 🙂

    i love that's she's doing what she wants to do, going where she wants to go…..and with you at the end with a beautiful gift….well what a fantastic journey !!!

  10. Having experienced many life events, please pass this on.

    “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
    Love like you'll never be hurt,
    Sing like there's nobody listening,
    And live like it's heaven on earth.”

    ― William W. Purkey

  11. Beautiful sentiments and one everyone must face at one time or the other. I like to believe things can get better and better. I especially like Bob Moawad's quote. This was a beautiful, sentimental post. Your horseshoe good luck talisman is really special; your friend will love it. And good luck to her.

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