The K List

   Pickles wrapped in bacon – Yuck, right?  Nooooo.. it’s the bomb!!… Seriously, try it.  All you have to do is grab a jar of your favorite dill pickle – either the little whole ones or the long slices… and wrap them in bacon – maple bacon especially! … bake them in a  425 oven in baking dish of your choice until bacon is done – about 20 minutes or so.. ovens vary. oooh man, are they good.  Make a dip of your choice to dunk them in, even better. 
 Little Sally is part of the family now, all the dogs get along, although there are the occasional sibling jealousies.  And K’s new pup, Rex is just a love bug – already adored by us all.  For a brief little while I said to myself several times a day….. What.. Did you DO!?…. but I’m over it.  I just love her, and so does the husband (BIG bonus right there).   I think I can say for certain though, not doing a puppy again. Adult dog adoptions only from here on out. 
 We’re having dinner tonight at my daughter’s condo…
we’ll get to play with this adorable scruff too. 
In between farm and work related chores and errands, we’ve been scooting
down to the shore for dinner and a swim…
I have a little plaque down there on the wall that reads..
The Ocean Fixes Everything 
I do believe it’s true. 

 Isn’t this a cool idea?… bird bath – glass top, sand and shells – BOOM
Awesome seaside table for porch/ patio/sunroom..

  I just finished a great read – well written, fascinating true story.  I highly recommend it for all my book loving friends –  Thanks, Hilary.. for the recommendation.   I’m looking for the next great read – what’s on your nightstand?