The Kindness Project

   What you are reading right now is post 998 at This Old House too.   Holy wow.   That’s a lot of posts!  To honor the 1,000 milestone, I want to have a give-away.  I’ve started putting together a package to send out to the winner chosen using the random generator.  Below are items I’ll include …and there will be a surprise or two as well.

This is a really neat little  -five year!- One sentence journal –
No big time sucker here – the goal is to write one sentence
each day about what brought you happiness on that day. 
The dates are already in it.. you just have to write your one sentence.
Even in the most trying of times,
if you Look for the Good, you’ll see it. 
Reading back over your journal entries years down the road
will trigger good memories too 🙂 

 Two  Autumn Owl  Hand towels –
and this awesome Evelyn & Crabtree Lip Balm…
So.. what do you have to do to enter the give-away? 
It’s real simple.
Commit a random act of kindness, come back and report it here
in the comments section of this post. 
If you can’t leave a comment for some reason, 
send me your random act of kindess in e-mail and I’ll post it below.
What acts of kindess will count?  
Anything you come up with. 
Need ideas? 
Pay for the next persons coffee in the Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks line.
Donate some books to your local library.
If you use tolls on the highway or bridge,
pay the next persons toll.
Drop off hand lotions to your local hospital Intensive Care unit.
The nurses will thank you profusely. 
Give the next person in line your silver coins from Big Y.
Take your elderly neighbor a hot meal.
Bring in their paper on a rainy day. 
Adopt a cat or dog from your local shelter 
(ok, that’s a BIG one.) 
Bring some canned goods to your local food pantry. 
You get the picture. 
Now GO.
And come back and tell me about it. 
Spread the word about this blog post too..
My goal is to see atleast 50 acts of kindness in the comments. 
Help me reach that goal, won’t you?