Being hearing impaired can really suck, I miss music and easy conversation. However my family and friends have helped me to make it doable over the years and the kindnesses are always noticed by me and so appreciated. I actually love when we can laugh over it as I occasionally get the words wrong.
I have always loved and bonded with animals, and even more so now- our conversations are all visual and feel, with soft words that don’t really matter- it’s the demeanor, it’s the reassuring presence. If we could all just have that simple language with each other no matter our obvious differences , all of us- what a beautiful world this is capable of being for every being.
Happy Thanksgiving, all –
Yes, aren’t animals wonderful! So long as they’re not lions or tigers or polar bears or something else that would eat us. Happy Thanksgiving!
My husband has a hearing impairment too. He’s says it’s from a mis-spent youth of rock-and-roll and hard living, but his Mother said its from frequent ear infections as a child.
It’s harder on me than on him because he says what he THINKS I say is much more interesting than what I actually say! I have a frig cartoon asking what is the secret of a long marriage? and the husband says “Huh? what? and the wife says I think it was something about a carriage.” That’s totally us (57 years married
). Happy Thanksgiving to you and your’s.
Karen, I did not know you have hearing impairment. I do live with a husband that without his aids is stone deaf. when he removes them at night, there is no communication except sign language, which I have made up over the years, not the real sign language. it is hard for the impaired and for those they live with. I have sometimes tried to imagine life without hearing. Hugs and love coming your way.. thank you for mentioning this because I hope to try harder to be more understanding to hubby when he says What? Huh? even though he has aids in..
Since my hearing has degraded I know what you mean about missing parts of conversations. I just hate saying “What?” all the time! And conversation in a car or crowd (fortunately I’m not doing crowds these days) is tough. But with animals — a totally different bag of beans.
Hugs and love to you and animals are always the comfort I need. xxoo You have shown all of yours the best. And all of us here see it as well.