The Lieutenant River

The Lieutenant River is a 3.7-mile-long tidal river located in Old Lyme, Connecticut. It joins the Connecticut River in the estuary, just above the point where that river flows into Long Island Sound.The river has a popular public boat launch and is a popular fishing spot.  It’s probably most notable for its continuing popularity among artists and photographers. A number of noted American impressionist artists, including Childe Hassam, painted views of the river while staying at the Florence Griswold House in Old Lyme.

The guy and I took a paddle up the Lieutenant River this morning – perfect overcast weather without the sun bearing down on us, and a gentle wind.  I had my pocket camera with me, as I don’t dare bring the big guns out in the water.  Too bad, though… because the Osprey, blue herons and other shore birds were in abundance and I would have loved to do a decent job with pictures.  We’ve spotted bald eagles here too. 


     This particular river is an easy paddle and there are beautiful old  homes along it’s shores… Not to mention some incredible old trees…    

Paddling directly under I-95, which runs up the east coast start to finish….
I bet many of you have traveled it…

We noticed wild – hibiscus?-  along the shore almost everywhere…

This is the back of the Florence Griswold Museum…
The house below has so much charm…
can you see the gazebo shaped room at the left?…
What a perfect place to sit and take it all in…
This guy was very pleased with his blue fish catch.
We knew the bluefish were running, because there were smaller
fish running from them, jumping out of the water right in front of us at times.
Call me pathetic if you will,
but I felt sorry for the damned fish.
Just hush.

13 thoughts on “The Lieutenant River”

  1. Not even the big guns. Pffft! These photos are awesome!!! Such gorgeous scenery.

    I think your hubby has taken quite a liking to kayaking. Wonder what brought about the change… just getting out there and doing it?

  2. Don't feel silly, I too feel bad to something that was swimming so peacefully caught. One day I hope to come to the New England area, it's always been a dream to just leisurely travel up through. God Bless your generous heart, I have a canine family of 4.

  3. I take my camera in the kayak…..I figure if I flip the kayak, I'm going to be pissed off about a lot more than the camera.
    Take a chance.

  4. I think I am buying a kayak! Just like one of the ones you have from the looks of it. I don't like the ones where you sit inside.

    I'm excited

  5. Next camera for you should be the Go Pro2. You can get underwater housing for it or attach to a helmet as you cruise down river. Of course you would also have to buy the helmet. LOL.

  6. It sure is beautiful there Karen! What's happening here is that many of the older cottages are being torn down and people are building mansions…and I do mean mansions in place of them! It does kind of lose a bit of the charm though! I love those hibiscus!! And love the lawns of those old homes!!

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