The Lights are on and Everyone’s HOME

When we bought this run down old farm, our goal was to restore it and create a family gathering place for many years to come. With our kids now grown and making their way in the world, tonight I see the bonfire up on the hill with the boy and his cousin and long time friends gathered round the fire once again as they have since their high school days, all college graduates and professionals living near and far. Next door, I see the lights on for the first time, my daughter and her boyfriend’s first night in their new home. I have a husband with vision and tenacity who saw this all through, and I’m grateful for every second of it. ♥

A little tour of the new home…


Wishing my daughter and her partner in life many happy years here!

While the new home owners were unpacking, the Mr. and I went down to Stella by the Sea to sit on her now vacant deck once again and enjoy the early fall breezes.   (more like… he enjoyed the breezes and took a nap while I did laundry, picked tomatoes, dusted, vacuumed and  packed away bedding  for the coming winter months.)

I did manage to stick my feet in the water and absorb a little more  Vitamin Sea.

The last of the seaside garden tomatoes… those four plants yielding more fruit than my 10 or so here on the farm – go figure.

I’m too exhausted by all the noise coming out of Washington to dive into it much here…  – Bonfire of the Vanities –  sums it up, new meaning of course.

Apple Slab Pie with Maple Icing – link HERE. 

Till soon –


8 thoughts on “The Lights are on and Everyone’s HOME”

  1. Hello,

    Your daughter’s place is beautiful, both inside and outside. The apple pie looks delicious! Beautiful sunset. Enjoy your Sunday, wishing you a happy new week!

  2. I know you were a little said to close Stella for the winter.. your daughters home is really beautiful. I love the room with the fireplace best of all and those windows and doors are fantastic. enjoy your view of their lights letting you know they are there but far enough away to be away. ha ha. yum on the maters

  3. Omygoodness! Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful home for your daughter and her man! I love everything about it! Awesome finishes! And, how nice to have your family close by. 🙂

    I hope you took lots of bracing sea air into your lungs…as there is nothing better. You know, maybe the tomatoes did so well because of all that fresh air and refreshing breezes.

    Washington is a bit of a cluster right now…but wouldn’t it be great if the whole whistle blower issue finally puts the last nail in his coffin? It’s kinda like the OJ thing…we all know he killed Nicole and Ron Goldman… yet he was acquitted. However, conspiracy to commit a crime, by robbing a sports memorabilia dealer…put OJ’s sorry ass in prison, 13 years to the day, after he was acquitted.

    Great pics as always. My favorite? The feet in the water. 🙂

  4. Beautiful pictures. But I am confused, what is this Autuum you speak of? It was 97 degrees here today, and we have not had rain since August 27. Actually, I was thinking about you while listening to the White House news. Can’t wait to hear your, your Mom’s and your Commenters’ take on all this. I hope and pray this is the beginning of the end of this national nightmare. Go Nancy & Adam!

  5. How lovely to have your daughter so close to you. I wish we had that with our guys~! I send many wonderful wishes to them.

    I had my last time at the cottage this past week. Rick may get up there later in October but by then, I think too cold for me. Oh, how I will miss it.

  6. Your daughters new home is lovely. Look at those yummy tomatoes!

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