The one about LOVE on so many levels

   An update – The story of the couple I posted yesterday is heartbreaking and also inspiring, in that so many people are rallying to their side to help them navigate the difficult months ahead.  The volunteer fire company folks are building ramps at the house and already, in just two days time, $50,000. has been raised to help with the huge medical bills they will encounter.  I hope to give you an update that includes a picture of Amanda holding her baby in her arms.


   My  funny  Frasier has been enjoying our walks, which are most often along a body of water.  He loves wading around and sitting or laying in it to cool off, often with soot or silt stuck to his curly fur as we head back home.  I’ve learned to keep towels in the car.


My sister and brother-in-law with my niece, 
who just graduated from HS and is off to college in the fall
 –  Congratulations, S! 

Hard to believe our youngest children are all grown up!
Wasn’t this just yesterday?

We’re working on a four day horse show this weekend.
K had to work today so Max has a day off at the showgrounds.
We went for an all black look yesterday…
 It’s true that all that glitters, sparkles and spangles, dangles and dances in the light is the “IN” thing in the show pen… but if you ask me, this simple look with a $28. Banana Republic blouse is just as cool and it seems to be coming back in style at the smaller shows.  We’ll help it along 🙂
KMax had a great first day at the show with wins in Western Pleasure and Horsemanship. Tomorrow we do it again.

You know…It’s not the wins or losses,  and we are familiar with both.  These two and their camaraderie  are the thing that gets me teary. The old horse that taught the injured girl to work hard toward her new goals, to trust and to be kind and to be patient, to believe in herself again.    It’s a beautiful thing, this.  Better than any number of blue ribbons.