The One Without A Post Title…

 .. because sometimes it just doesn’t come to you. And this one’s a real rambler – Got coffee? 
    We had a wonderful Father’s Day down at the cottage.  My guy hardly ever takes a day off. His work ethic is why we have the nice things we have, but as I say often and more frequently lately…. what good is all that hard work/effort if you don’t get to enjoy it?    I’m happy to report the Mr. spent most of the day relaxing at the shore, a much needed reprieve and reward for the most dedicated and loving father I could have ever asked for for  my children. 
When we pull around that corner onto our cottage road, it’s like taking a deep cleansing breath.  
     Last week I painted the steps that go down into the water.  Throughout the summer they get coated with algae, etc. and become very slippery.  I scrubbed them with baking soda and that helped, but it had to be done regularly and it was just one more thing to do.  A neighbor a few cottages down used boat bottom paint with sand mixed in to paint his steps. The result is a sandpapery surface, non-slip.  So, I bought a gallon of the stuff – ($150!!??) and painted the steps – the blue is a bit outlandish – but there aren’t many choices in boat bottom paint colors.  It works like a charm. 
    Then.. on Sunday my son blew up the inflatable four person raft and I am proud to report I dropped my first anchor –  yes I did. I waded out there with anchor, chain, float thing and ropes, sunk it good in the muck… kicked another anchor in the process… ick…. (the cove is an anchor graveyard) … and we proceeded to pop the float as we pulled it over the cedar railing.  *sigh.  Stuck some tape on it…. and tested it out… 

    The tape held and I went back out there yesterday with a pool patch kit – hopefully that will be that. I’ll keep you posted. 
   As for my own father on Father’s Day – my sister came to visit and took him out to lunch, so I was relieved of duty and yes, that sounds as awful to me as it probably does to you.   I’ll stop by today with his gift, and bring him anything he needs.  It will always feel like a chore in some ways, and that’s not an easy truth for me to admit, but it is what it is.  He is not an evil person in any way – he’s just devoid of the type of normal emotions or actions or whatever it is I’m searching for  that one would want to have with a parent.  If you look up the term narcissist, that’ him in a nutshell.   Being a devoted daughter to a narcissist father is something I don’t describe well and it doesn’t come naturally,  in fact I’m still coming to terms with the feelings that accompany it but at least there is far less anger now.  That’s good for my own health, never mind his. 
   So, on Father’s Day I reveled in time spent with my guy and our children and my mom – whom has in some ways been both parents for my sister and I and grandparent to my children. 
 Let me just put some high praise here for her mean, clean, refreshing, rejuvenating summer elixir of a gin and tonic… 

     On the better health front… I continue the light weight training, walking, kayaking, and attempts at better food choices.  I say “attempts” because I still cheat with pizza or a cupcake but I’m getting better at it, dropping some weight and toning up.   Don’t ever give in just because you’re not perfect.  No one is perfect, no one gets it’s right 100 percent of the time.  FUCK PERFECT – am I clear?   I’m going to share with you a photo of my 61 year old friend, a personal trainer who is brutally honest in her own trials and tribulations and I think she gets it absolutely right on aging well and being kind to yourself – and NEVER GIVING UP. 
 Yep – this is  Joey at 61, pretty amazing – not claiming perfection, not a care free life – she’s had her share of  woes and  tended agining and ill parents , raised three kids and mended a sick  child and husband and worries about finances and health  and suffers injuries and and and… … 
  Her words on a recent FB post –    “Coming up on the end of my 61st year (for those not in the know, your birthday makes the end of a year not the beginning) meaning I’ll be 61 but in my 62nd year of life. I continue to persist in the fight against aging with the biggest tool in the box – strength training. Add a few short cardio bursts and a restorative class like stretch or yoga each week and you’ve done your best. Never give up!”  Another Joey gem –   “I think people get unhappy with progress and give up, but it’s a disservice to their future health and mobility, hence deterioration.  KEEP MOVING. 
  So yeah.. we can all find excuses.  And sometimes – especially with fibromyalgia pain! … it just doesn’t feel awesome to keep moving – but we must. Life and the effort we have to put into it is worth every extra step taken –  Just do it.  

      Have a good week, all – sharing a NOT GOOD FOR YOU pie recipe, because hey I already told you I ain’t shooting for perfection and what says Summer is Coming 💦🍈 better than a Lemonade Pie, I ask you…. 
*not my picture or recipe – recipe link below… 
         Lemonade Pie

Have a good week, all –