The Polar Vortex has descended

   Holy cow – we went from sunny-ish and in the 30’s to dark, dreary with swirling snow flurries within minutes.  I went up to the barn to feed horses with sun at my back and came back into the house after taking the pictures below – just 20 minutes later.   Downright eerie.  The temps are dropping quickly, too – During storms like this and long periods of cold, it’s a wonder the wild things survive it at all, I feel so bad for their suffering.   I think of the homeless folks out there too, hoping they find a warming station in their town- but the sad truth is some don’t, either because they are mentally ill and won’t seek shelter or there isn’t room at the “inn”.   How lucky we are to be snug in our homes. 
    The horses are closed in for the night, they’ve been fed and watered with plenty of hay – and the chickens are in with their heated water and the cozy coop panel – that invention is a God send, I’m telling ya.  I put some extra hay on the floor of their coop to help with insulation. Hens are prone to frostbite if you don’t give them a little help when the temps drop so low. 
        The Mr.  and I will sit in front of the fire tonight and catch up on a few of our netflix addictions – Ray Donavan – I’ve come to love the characters – so raw, so vulnerable, so obnoxious, and yet you come to love them…  (oh man, is he delicious or what, and I don’t use that word for men much.) …
 and Grace and Frankie – I love that show, truly love it.  Of course I still watch the Golden Girls at 1 in the morning if I can’t sleep, so Grace and Frankie are the new Golden Girls for me. That these women are 81 and 79 is inspiring- and still so funny and full of energy.   
        I found a Superbowl recipe I haven’t tried yet but will probably make for the big game.  Do you watch football?  I’ve been a fan on and off ever since I learned the game because I had a high school boyfriend Linebacker – what you’ll  do for young love, right??    I’m a Patriots fan, so I’ve got some skin in the game. 
 Stay warm if you’re in this frigid front – here’s the recipe… 
Garlic Bread Hot Dogs
1 baguette (personally I think you need two, or one very long one
4 hot dogs 
1/4 c melted butter
1 garlic clove, minced
2 tsp. parsley, finely chopped
black pepper
Preheat oven to 350.  Trim ends of baguette, then cut remaining into four even pieces.  Using the back of a wooden spoon, hollow out baguette.  There are videos online if you want to see someone do it first.  slide hot dogs into baguette and place on a parchment lined baking tray.  Mix melted butter with parm, garlic and parsley, salt and pepper. brush mixture onto baguette. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until hot dogs are cooked and bread is golden.  Enjoy!