I have a lot to share with you today….and we’re about to get more snow, so … it’s the perfect time to sit at the computer and ignore it. I contemplated the post title and realized all the bouncing around would fall under two catagories….prejudice and *love* and what we can accomplish when we take love in and let it out, drop all prejudice to see things for what they really are. Don’t ever be afraid to love, to care, to cherish, to reach out… be afraid if you don’t.
My friend in Rescue just took a leap of faith. “P” saw a soul on death row she just couldn’t resist and was drawn to go meet him.

Oh, do
I know the thought that just crossed your mind. A PIT BULL! Do you see the above picture as a menacing face? You wouldn’t be alone. He was found wandering the streets,with a bad case of mange and not neutered… even worse!
For the truth about Pit Bulls… if you’re really interested and want more reading, click HERE I bet you wouldn’t guess that they were a very popular family dog in the beginning of the 20th century,
Petey of the little Rascals was a Pit Bull…
….. they are originally from England and Ireland and their typical characteristics include loyalty, obedience, friendly, clownish, stubborn, courageous, aggressive, intelligent, affectionate. Are you focusing on the words aggressive and stubborn? The same is said of many other dog breeds. My dachsund is aggressive and stubborn. It’s not the pit bulls fault that because of their athletic ability they were chosen by some to suffer major abuse and were tormented to participate in fighting.

It’s a crime that pit bulls have the horrible stigma attached to their being. Every living thing is capable of doing harm. It’s all in the circumstances. Dogs – more often than not… show us just how forgiving they are, how willing to love and be loved they are, regardless the abuse they may have suffered. In my experience it has become clear that no breed suffers more at the hands of man or is more misunderstood than the pit bull. There will always be those who have behavioral issues, just as there are in any other breed you might think are more worthy of trust. PEOPLE have behavioral issues, so please lets get past all that.
I have no doubt, judging by his physical condition and where he was found, that Jack had a sh*tty life before being brought to the shelter. “P” caught some flack from well intentioned friends who also believe the stigma and thought she was making a mistake. “P” wrote a beautiful post this morning about her adopted and already beloved Jack, who is settling in quite nicely with his new family -consisting of a teenager, two other dogs and a few rescue kittens. All are getting along well and Jack shows manners already around the house. She says of the prejudice she has witnessed from friends… this quote by Martin Luther King Jr. comes to mind… “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Oh, how this can be applied to so many things in life, no?
Jack seeing himself in a mirror after a good bath in his new home….
Feeling good for the first time in a long time.. seen here with his new Mom, “P”.
Can you see the diamond in the “ruff”?
It’s a beautiful thing.

I’ve got an update on the South Carolina dogs and the impoverished couple who have been mercifully feeding 20 or so stray dogs that have wandered onto their property for the past five years. Dog days now has a rescue contact who is keeping them posted with pictures and updates, and bringing the supplies and help needed to the dogs. Several of you have donated to the cause already, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to every one of you for stepping up and believing in our mission. We are hoping to bring them up here and hold a mini Dog Days adoption event just for them… if they can’t find homes down there, and that will require transport as well as full vetting for each dog. For now your donations are helping Dog Days feed them as well as worming and shots for the ones who have not gotten that care yet. These people live in a tiny shack they built themselves and are facing big health issues, yet their every spare dime as gone to these dogs that others discarded. To read more of the story, click
* some of you donated on the original Dog Days GoFundMe page.. this new one was set up to avoid any confusion, but it all still goes to the Dog Days Team, all applied to save the dogs, feed them through this cold snap, and hopefully get them homes, either here or there. Dog Days takes no money, we are all volunteers. The money raised goes directly to the care of the dogs.
What do I feel today? The power of LOVE. and… Hooray for the Underdog.
What a sap, huh?