The Price of Speaking Up

  If you’ve been reading this blog for a while  or are a part of my life in some way, it’s no secret that I can be outspoken when it comes to things I’m passionate about… animal welfare, human rights, justice, injustice  and fair play in our political system and in how we treat each other… especially in how we treat each other.

  Because this is part of my personality, it means I will never be liked by everyone. That used to bother me. When youth  should have been an asset, it hindered me because I cared.  I wanted to please people, I wanted to be liked by everyone, I wanted to do no wrong in the eyes of anyone at all.  To be clear and honest  here,  it didn’t stop me from doing stupid things on occasion or speaking up and maybe even being a royal pain in the ass sometimes, but  it wounded me tremendously when there was the inevitable backlash from whomever might be the disapproving party.

  Have I always been right in my assessments?  Nope.  Through 50 year old eyes I can see that sometimes I have jumped to a conclusion without doing enough research and reacted in a way that I would choose to rescind now if the opportunity were available.  Do I know for certain that it is in every fiber of my being to want all good things for the men, women, children and living creatures of this earth? Without a doubt.  So instead of just shutting up and avoiding the waves,  I hope I’m learning to swim with a better rhythm and some compassion and understanding for those who see things differently.  I don’t care anymore that I’m not going to have everyones approval, that’s an impossible dream.  I’ve let it go.  I  try to remember to ask myself – am I doing this for the right reasons? How important is it to voice my opinion, to take a stand? Is there a better way to make a difference or approach this situation that doesn’t involve my ego or my opinion that quite possibly may be off?  If I manage to get through all that in a positive way, then the result should be worth the effort.

 My message today is this – and of course it’s just my opinion. Whoever you are, whatever you believe in… don’t be afraid to stand up for what you know is right.  Don’t stand by and watch as things happen around you   – or to you –  just because it might not be popular with someone or align with anothers point of view.  The only way to effectively change negative behaviors, practices, abuses, injustices in our world is to take action, to speak up, to DO something.  What that entails will depend on the situation and your willingness to be a part of the change.  The approach is important too. It’s easy to let anger control how we handle a situation, but that’s never the best way. I’ve learned this the hard way.     Keep a level head and an open mind.    Small steps can lead to big changes for the better. Don’t be afraid to make a wave or two when you are working for the common good. You sure hope you do!

And that’s all I have to say about that.