The Real Deal

 From the time I was very young, I absolutely adored Charles Kuralt, an american journalist widely known for his long career with CBS.  How many of you remember “On the road with Charles Kuralt”? Charles would get in his RV and travel America in search of interesting people, the everyday Joe or Evelyn, living remarkable and seemingly unremarkable lives.  He’d tell their story in such a way.   Oh, how I loved that show…and getting to know such interesting people, living out of the spotlight,  doing great things big and small. 

  If I didn’t have such a strong urge to be a mother, wife and homestead keeper, I’d have liked to do just what Charles did.    *If I could take my dogs.  For a while here in town I was editor and publisher of a  small monthly publication, and I took that opportunity to play out my dream just a little bit.  I wrote a column highlighting one individual a month who was contributing in a positive way to our community.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if newspapers and newscasts were 80 percent -made of THAT stuff- .

  Why am I talking about this? One of my favorite publications is YANKEE Magazine.  I’m drawn to it for two reasons… I live in the region, obviously, but also YANKEE does a little of what Mr. Kuralt did.  It does not generate big income for them to highlight Rusty the plow operator for the town of Cabot, Vermont.  They gave him a full spread anyway.  The folks at YANKEE still have their finger on the pulse of the REAL America.  The people who get up and go to work every day and get the job done, doing it with pride.  The ones who make the REAL world go round with their own contribution…. minus the fanfare.   

  I could give a rats *ss what Kim Kardashian’s boyflavor of the month is…. 
 tell me Rusty Churchill’s story any day and you’ve got my full attention. 
To read his story, click HERE

I loved this.. Rusty’s playlist when he’s out on those country roads,
sometimes at 4am…
Rod Stewart.. Maggie May
Queen… We Will Rock You
The Police … Spirits in the Material World
Led Zeppelin … Ramble On
Roy Orbison … Oh Pretty Woman
Supertramp … Goodbye Stranger
David Bowie… Fame
Bachman – Turner Overdrive … Taking Care of Business
The Eagles … Lyin Eyes
REM  … Losing my Religion
The Romantics … What I Like About You
The Kinks … Lola
Bon Jovi … Wanted Dead or Alive
Dire Straits … Money or Nothing
Santana … Low Rider
Pink Floyd … The Dark Side of the Moon

You’re singing one of those songs now, aren’t ya….


17 thoughts on “The Real Deal”

  1. Well, yes… I'm singing Maggie Mae because it has always been my favorite. Used to sing it from the rooftops when I was in high school along with my girlfriends. We were all simply crazy about it. And now I am going to go read Rusty's story. xox

  2. Rusty and guys like him are the REAL America and keep our great country humming!!! I too love those personal interest stories. I wish there were more Charles Kuralt's in this world.

  3. Love being in the REAL world. Thanks for such a great story. I could ride with this dude just on his choices in music! 🙂


  4. I loved him too, and miss those great down to earth stories. There is a guy (can't remember his name) who a lot of times is featured as part of the CBS news who does something similar. Travels around America and finds the most interesting people.

    Now I'll read the story, and have a great day, Karen. 🙂

  5. Love Pink Floyd! Great choices, Charlie! I had a part-time Christmas job with Yankee once when I lived in Fitzwilliam Depot, NH. It was lots of fun and love the down-homeness of the magazine!

  6. I think Rusty stole my ipod. What a character.
    Totally agree with you on your take of what kind of journalism has almost gone by the wayside.
    Charles was awesome. Loved him.
    I'm off to read up on Rusty.

  7. Yankee Magazine interviewed and will feature her in this year's December issue. Oh JOY! Yankee is a fine magazine; another I like is Grit. One reason I stay on the farm, behind locked gates, is, like you, I don't care about most of what people talk about. In Lowe's the other day, clerks were so busy talking about Dance something or other, they found it difficult to pull themselves away to help me. Earlier today, someone mentioned a name…Tatum (I remember because of Tatum O'Neil) but haven't a clue who Tatum XXX, or is it XXX Tatum??? is and don't care.
    I'm more than the half way mark in life; I want to make every second count, much less the minutes!

  8. Rusty has great taste in music! I'd like to have more of the real people, (like Rusty) and a whole lot less of the Kardashian's, or any of that ilk.

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