The Village assembles again…

But first…

My barometer head has been telling me
with this lovely headache for two days now
that we will be getting a good storm. 
We took the dogs for a walk around the property last night
while temps were still comfortable.
I love these dogs, I do. 
Breaks my heart in a million pieces to know that there are so many who suffer
cruelty, neglect, starvation, ignorance. 
Frasier on the left here knew that life for a while.
We will never know his full story… but he was filthy and covered in matted hair
when he was found in a kill shelter. 
The SHELTER didn’t even clean him up. 
Life is good for Frasier now, thanks to many people who step up for these dogs.
But so many others fall through the cracks.  
Last week Dog Days was called with an SOS… an elderly woman down south is about to 
undergo heart surgery.  Although she is poor, she has been feeding 20 strays
on her property in rural SC for about five years now.  She can no longer
take on the task and there is no local animal control or shelter willing to help her
place the dogs.   So, Dog Days is stepping in.  We need to raise money to do this..
as vetting and transport and fostering of 20 dogs is going to be a monumental task.
A go-fund-me account has been set up and in just one day we have raised a few hundred
dollars to aid this woman and the stray dogs. 
Many of my blog friends are just trying to make ends meet and this call for donations
is not for you.  Every one of you has a heart of gold. 
I put this out there anyway, because you never know who is reading, who believes in the cause,
 is able to make a donation comfortably.  No post is wasted in my opinion. 
Even $5. gets us closer to taking in those dogs and doing what her community cannot
do for her.  HELP.  CARE.  SUPPORT.
 CLick Here  if you are interested in making a donation, no matter how small.
Put “SC dogs”  in your comment with your donation –
 ALL proceeds go to the dogs. Every Single Penny.
Now back to that storm…
You know what they say about red sky at night.. sailors delight..
red sky in the morning.. sailors warning.
True, that.