They’re back!

Last year we had barn swallows make a nest on our kitchen side porch.
It was great to see their progress,
but oooh the mess on the porch.
you’re welcome.
This year they returned and we tried to discourage them.
I knocked their beginnings of a nest down with a hose.
Several times.
After a week of this nonsense, it looked like we had gotten the message across.
No new nest material.
Until the husband spied some fluttering in the other corner of the porch.
This little beauty of a nest went up in just two days while we weren’t looking.
Notice the horse tail hair used in the nest.
No eggs yet, but I just can’t bring myself to knock this work down.. again.
Old nest site on the right…
New nest on the upper left corner behind the geranium.
Even though we have a barn up on the hill they could nest in,
for some reason they love this high traffic area best..
I think because it’s sheltered from the wind and rain
and they can swoop out over the fields easily
in search of bugs.
Their view this morning.
So… I introduce to you
Marc Anthony and Cleopatra.
(from here on, referred to as Marc and Cleo)
Hey, with determination and tenacity such as this, 
 they’re worthy of such names, don’t ya think?

20 thoughts on “They’re back!”

  1. They are tenacious that is for sure.
    We had them in the gazebo by the pool…..only thing was momma did not like us in the gazebo when she had her babies.
    So we obliged and sat on the lawn.
    Birds rule, I guess.
    Or tenacity rules. 🙂

  2. Come help me with my yard. I want some loveliness and you guys are so good at it! Although your view is quite different from mine.

    Lovely lovely

  3. We always find horse hair in nests around here as well. I think swallows may have built a nest in the rafters of our front porch as I always see them flying in and out, but no poop so I'll leave them be. They do work hard on their little nests. It amazes me every time I see one. A lot of birds will reuse their nests the next year.

  4. too funny – i did the same thing year before last – kept hosing it down and finally just gave up. they're too cute and eat so many bugs…

  5. This is great, I love the fact they want their nest there and what a beautiful nest. Isn't it amazing what they do? No way could I knock that thing down. Can you blame them, for their location, look at their view. And yes, worthy of names for sure.

  6. Having never seen any in person, that I know of, I really find this interesting.

    And, I'd like to take this "moment" to thank you for keeping up your blog, letting us into your part of a beautiful world. I know things aren't rosy all the time, but I most always feel uplifting coming here.


  7. LOL-I love it, Karen. We have two nests in my window boxes and they built them before I could clean out the evergreen branches from winter…they would be everbrown now. As soon as the babies are gone the nests are gonna be gone, too.

  8. They know a good thing when they see it and have the will to endure! I would say they are not only stubborn and tenacious but also smart:)

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