Things I will miss…

 Packing today… throwing out, putting aside for goodwill, procrastinating, prioritizing and generally making a bigger mess.  Also, noticing the little things that I will miss about THIS not so old house…

 The birds love this place. Each spring there are atleast two or three nests in various spots..the front door wreath, the flood lights, under the overhangs… even the bluebirds seek shelter there in the bitter cold months. I hear that’s rare. 

I’ll miss the old azalea in link pinks and whites….
 The other things planted years ago that come back each spring and multiply….
This copper beach sits right outside my office window….
These guys are sitting on a wall waiting to hop on the truck come moving day…
And I’ll miss the sound of Ben chewing on the trim outside while  I enjoy my morning coffee….Why will I be missing  it?…. because at This Old House Mike has made damn sure when Ben goes out  the fencing will not allow him to get that close to the trim…like… ever again.  So yeah.. it’ll be missing.  *sigh*

3 thoughts on “Things I will miss…”

  1. I know I'd be all sentimental, but, WOW… look what's just around the corner! Hope you are taking tons of pictures, to remember the not so old house. Won't be long until someone else is making memories there. "Happy Mother's Day!"

  2. Aw shucks, now you're making me miss the things I loved about my 'old' house before I bought this new one!! 🙂

  3. I've only moved when I got divorced and I was so happy to get out of that house! I love looking at all your pictures and your pup!!

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