This and That

   We’re still snow covered, but it’s all just part of the scenery now. 
Had a few more inches the other night, just enough  to pretty up the dirty snow. 
That’s do-able. 
The middle hay field…
Right here is where I stand on a warm summers day
to catch the occasional ocean breezes, which come from the right of this picture…
or the smell of fresh cut hay when it’s harvest time.
Two of my favorite scents – if only they could be bottled.

The girls are not fond of the snow,
puts a damper on their free roaming ways…
but they’re still laying eggs, thanks to the red flood lamp I have in their coop.
Hens like a certain amount of daylight for laying.
Keeping them warm helps too.
My chickens eat very well too – they get their normal balanced feed,
and also table scraps – like pasta (they LOVE spaghetti) and oatmeal
and yogurt, cottage cheese, grapes, strawberries,
and whatever else is starting to wilt in the refrigerator.

A few simple changes have made our bedroom
alittle less wintry.. I needed some LIGHTNESS..
I don’t ordinarily decorate with blue accents..
but this hue, almost a robins egg, was calling to me.
Scratches and chips add to the charm, don’t you think?
Just a glance in her direction, and the tail begins to wag…always.
On my nightstand –  The Thirteenth Tale – a great read – thanks Kate.
I did try those two recipes in the previous post…
they are awesome!  Give them a try if you’re looking for something healthy and delicious.
It’s a new day, people.  Make it a good one.

17 thoughts on “This and That”

  1. OMG – I recognize that meatball soup. I make that all the time! It's a favorite of mine.

    Well, when I say all the time I really mean I make it.


    Now i'm going to make it again. Thanks for the delicious reminder Karen.

    And yes! It's a new day and thank goodness for those because I have to start over every day.

  2. Everything looks good k !!! I'm sure the snow is gorgeous but I'm sure your ready for spring . I hope you have a great day

  3. As always I love your photos.
    I'm not usually a big fan of blue accents but I'm warming to them. I like what you did, and love the lantern.
    I was poking around in Pottery Barn yesterday and somehow came home with a blue bowl that made my kitchen smile.
    Enjoy the sunshine today, it's gorgeous out there.

  4. I love the snow…and this was a beautiful winter! And now I'm liking just that hint of a change in the air and maybe getting a little cabin fever…Spring is coming!!! And could you live a little closer and decorate my home??? Yours is gorgeous.

  5. I was thinking yesterday that I'm ready to put away all of winter and add some spring to my house…too soon, snow still coming, but I'm ready. I didn't know chickens ate all those "people things"!

    I'm going to check out the recipe. We are all about healthy eating here right now and that soup? looks wonderful!

  6. It's Beemer!!! You have stolen Beemer!! I simply cannot believe the resemblance!! I like the blue…and love your room! I am getting SO tired of the grey here…in desperate need of some sun and trying to convince him we need to head SOUTH! Hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day!

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