This and that

  It’s an odd Fall season this year… apple picking in 85 degree temps,  the colors in the foliage are muted, some of the trees have already lost their leaves, never having turned their traditional golden hue.  We’ve had some glorious weather, but it’s not the usual for this time of year.   So many natural disasters around the world…this past winter was horrendous here in New England.. summer was brutally hot, Irene blew through and burned and toppled trees… and now this Indian Summer.  Global warming?.. I don’t know… Global SOMETHING, for sure.

All of these pictures were taken in the last three days…
It almost appears as if these were spread among two seasons.
It’s as if the Earth isn’t sure where she’s at. 

 I’m just throwing a chicken pic in here because I can.
The girls are giving me four eggs a day now, and have become friendly.
They finally  figured out where their food comes from, I’m guessing.
No chicken will ever be a brain surgeon, this I know to be true.
The new tree hydrangea we put in is turning a beautiful dusty rose…

Opie hasn’t grown much of a winter coat yet, temps too warm.
 The mini’s HAVE grown their winter coat.. and are hot on these very warm days…

 Ben isn’t shivering yet when he’s kicked out in the early morning to do his business…

 This time last year the hill was ablaze with color…
The fire bush still puts on it’s show.. love this shrub.

 A dirt road along a reservior nearby… normally red and gold.  We used to be able to ride horses along the road, it was beautiful.  The water company owns the land, ( they actually own a third of our town land) and decided horse poop might pollute the streams that meander into the reservior, and so we are no longer allowed to be in there.

 In my thirty years of trail riding,
 I don’t think my horse has ever pooped in a stream. 
 Just sayin.  

 They’ve put up gates and wire to deter trespassing. It’s discouraging, the continued loss of trail systems for horse people.  To think it was once, and not that long ago, the main form of transportation. Now deemed a nuisance.

A little Chip update… yesterday we had a meeting at the next
Dog Days Adoption Event site – Oct. 29th & 30th at the Branford Elks Club.
Lorin brought Chip along so he could get some fresh air and
be part of an interview with a reporter.
He was perky, wagging his little butt and tail around
as he greeted us, and his skin is much less angry.
There is even a fine coat growning and, and it appears he has a white spot on his chest.
Crappy photo from my iphone, but you see the love there.
So far he’s tolerating the Ivermectin treatments, Amen for the small but important things.
Some might say I’m making a big deal out of an abandoned mangy puppy.
No.. the really big deal is how people have come together to
help out an abandoned mangy puppy. Score one for humanity.  
I’ll be  taking pictures here tomorrow…. if you’re local and you walk or run,
this is a great event in a beautiful setting. Come join the fun and get some exercise.
The blogging community is dominated by women…
why that is, I’m not sure.   Perhaps we’re more willing to
“put ourselves out there”.
I’m always pleased to see a few members of the other gender
join in… won’t you please welcome Andy of The Little White House..
As you southerners would say… Y’all have a great weekend.
I just like saying that. 🙂

23 thoughts on “This and that”

  1. Great pictures. Ashamed about the trails. We are going to have great color here this year it looks like. Some trees are already ablaze and most of ours at our house are just starting to turn. So glad to see Chip chipper!

  2. Any time I can say Y'all I do it….I will go check out (maybe I should say visit)! I have about 8 guys that visit my blog and actually leave comments! I think it is the traile thing..

  3. yes, i do believe mother nature / earth / universe is angry and confused. we've muddled up something, for sure…

    glad chip is doing better!!!

  4. Oh that is too bad, losing access to those trails. It looks like a beautiful trail ride. We are also having Indian Summer and I would prefer nice cool Autumn temperatures.
    Great news about Chip. Keep going, little guy!

  5. Horse poop in the water… good grief! I am so happy for Chip! He is looking so good! I love your pictures. That first one is gorgeous. You should be selling some stock photograpy!

  6. I just have to tell you, yet again, what amazing photos!!! Truly beautiful…LOVE them all…especially the one of your Ben! Such a handsome man! Yay for Chip, he's acting like a real puppy!

    Happy FALL to you! Enjoy your weekend…

  7. Beautiful photos! Such a variety of color for Fall!

    Yay for Chip! Keep making a big deal out of him… we need some positive and encouraging things these days! And I love seeing how people are coming together to help out. If my property were set up for a dog I would SO take Chip in a heartbeat! What a lover he is!

    Sorry to hear about the lack of trails now. It's like our lakes & rivers here. If there's a ramp somewhere somebody wants you to pay to use it *sigh*.

    I had a good laugh when you said you liked saying Y'all! It's so common here I don't think twice about it until somebody mentions it, lol!

  8. Ya'll are doing great work with Chip! Love the pics and your header is GREAT!!

    I had a friend who loved to say "Ya'lless come back now, ya hear". She's the only one I've ever heard say that. 🙂

  9. Your photos are just gorgeous…I felt like I was reading a chapter in a book. From nature to horses to chickens to the CRAZY people closing off your trail.

    So happy to see Chip getting all that love. He gives a lot, too, I'm sure!


  10. We sure have had some strange weather! Love the fire bush. Chip is looking wonderful, thank goodness. (and I see lightbox has invaded your photos) I'm emailing you something, just in case you're interested.

  11. Looks like everything is going to be mostly brown, or at least very muted down here too. It finally stopped raining but even though the trees have their leaves they are moldy brown looking..oh well..guess its a trade off..warm weather longer or color…blame it on the El Nina…

    Nice pictures though…love this time of year…wonder what winter is going to be like..I heard it might be cold with a lot of snow, although not as much as last year..we'll see.

  12. I think the mangy little puppers represents what we may think is the worst of the human condition and we all have jumped on this cause so we can prove to others and ourselves that we aren't all such richard-heads.

    Hard to clean up all the mess from those people though!

    Shout out to all the rescues out there! Rescue your next pet everyone!

  13. Our color at the lower elevation is beginning. Like your area, it has been terribly dry and we have a lot of dead leaves falling. We just love the temperature change. Love the fuzzy mini's. They really have a fuzzy coat! Sorry about your horse trail. Our horse council here gets really involved in opening up new trails for horse folks. Good riding weather, however.

  14. The things I learn here….so, you go out in the morning, grab an egg and throw it on the fying pan? I didn't know horses grew winter coats. The seasons sure are strange this year, I agree. My yard is usually full of color by now, but nothing. Strange. Global something is right.

  15. thanks for this and that.
    i love that hill photo even without any color and the no pooping in the stream thing…well that was really good to know and funny that you shared it. i live for the updates on chip and knowing that he's doing better just warms my heart.

  16. Beautiful pictures and your chickens are awesome. I really hope Chip get better really soon. He does look so miserable. Poor little thing. Your great dane is awesome! Wow, love your blog!


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