Thoughts and Prayers

Gun violence and hate in this country have reached epidemic proportions. The NRA is a known propaganda machine, corrupt to its core- a totally different animal than it once was and it pumps that corruption through our republican politicians veins. A government and President that does NOTHING about this and encourages the white nationalist hate with his own rhetoric …..“ there are fine people on both sides” ….is poison to our already troubled society.

I am not anti gun, I’m no snowflake. Why the Fuck isn’t every single person screaming for sensible gun laws? And why are social media pages allowing hate groups like the one the Texas shooter belonged to online? Freedom of speech? I get it, but hate? It kills and kills and kills.

The bullshit line that guns don’t kill, people do… is true and false. We have no idea how many lives could be saved by implementing more sensible gun laws, and that does NOT mean taking them away from sensible law abiding mentally healthy people. Just one example – How wonderful it would have been if mental health history was considered before the Sandy Hook slaughterer was allowed to take shooting lessons and his mother was allowed to give him access to hers and encourage his use of them. What are the statistics in countries where sensible gun laws are applied? Yeah… so I guess we do know.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the POTUS would give a thorough anti hate speech for once? But he won’t, because he knows hate fuels his campaign. Just watch any one rally, I’m not asking you to take my word for it. He stokes it! This isn’t just a mental health issue, of which this country is sorely lacking in affordable treatment options. It’s a hate issue as well.


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6 thoughts on “Thoughts and Prayers”

  1. Yes, bring your thoughts and prayers and logical thinking to the voting booth. People with guns kill people and the only allegiance the NRA has is to the gun manufacturers. The more guns bought, by anyone at all, the more money they make. That is the truth of it.

  2. Well said, I agree 100% Bring your thoughts and prayers to the voting booth. I think the hate rallies should stop, they are inciting violence. Most of these mass shootings are by home-grown terrorists. Some may have mental problems. How many more Americans have to die?

  3. I wish I could say something profound. I wish what is in my heart could enter all of those heartless selfish beings who call themselves patriotic or christian right or ideological muslim or conservative or nationalist or isolationist or whatever numerous monikers they hide behind because they are hate filled cowards living in fear of anything that is not of their “kind.”

    If our democracies and decency fail it is on all our heads. Anyone who does not rise up and RESIST and answer the call for action cannot expect anything but the hatred that is dumped daily upon the world. Sign those petitions, call those congressman and senators, refuse to buy products that support hatred,
    do what is healthy for the planet, not for convenience or greed. Use your money for good not commerce and for God’s sake if you believe in one- get this demagogue and all those who are cowards to RESIST him the hell out of our government. It takes effort and it takes time but you cannot wait for your neighbor to do it or your kids to do it or your government to do it. DEMAND it be done by holding the hands of your neighbors your family and friends and rising up to say we will no longer stand for this. It is on all of us.

  4. I couldn’t agree more. Well stated. Letters and phone calls till we can vote; then voting, campaigning, doing whatever to change the system and leaders to those who will change the laws.

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