Till the Cows Come Home…

  We’ve been back and forth to Stella many times this week – things are really shaping up down by the water.  I should be just about done with the furniture placement and decor by Friday and will give you a tour then.  Today we will go buy a  used vacuum cleaner at the Oreck dealer because currently, her floors are covered in grit. 
    Last weekend we met with one of the owners of the entire seaside community where Stella sits and he gave us a tour of his cattle farm.   His family has farmed this property since the 1600’s if you can believe it – amazing story.  The fact that it is all on the water (300 plus acres) is even more amazing.  People like my family are truly blessed to have a little spot to call our own on their property- the fact that through the generations they have decided to preserve the farm as much as possible instead of cashing in on the huge property value is a miracle in itself. 
   So – I am a bit of hypocrite when it comes to my love of animals.  While I am horrified at the practice of slaughtering them,  I am not a vegan.  Honestly I don’t feel great if I try to eat NO MEAT –  and I have tried.  I do believe in and try to practice buying meats from sources that hopefully raise their meat birds and cattle and pigs humanely.    This farm is one of those….. 
   As we drove around the fields on the farmers gator, what I noticed  first is that the cows love this man.  They don’t fear him, they know he is kind to them and he is their source of  food.  He emits a certain call and they come running – 
  In the photo below, you can see their proximity to the cove…  Stella is just around the bend. 
 These cows are born here, and are raised in a beautiful, clean, healthy environment with shelter if they chose it.. for two years.  I have mixed feelings about all that… looking into their soft warm friendly eyes, I hate the fact that they will be in a freezer by the time they turn three.  They couldn’t ask for a better way of life for those two-three years, though.  I wish this were true for all “food” animals but sadly, it’s not. 
 Here’s a picture of the same cows in summer pasture… 
 It’s a beautiful thing. 
 Meanwhile.. back at the ranch here….   I’ve been begging the Mr. to let me adopt two “veal calfs” for years now.  Those poor babies are taken from their mother at a day old, never to know life as a cow – they are slaughtered immediately for their tender flesh.  UGH.  I don’t eat veal, I do draw the line at supporting that practice.   Two of my friends have gone to the local auction house and adopted two calfs that were slated for slaughter… 
Meet Stanley Livingston…
 He has no idea how lucky he is… 
And so far… the Mr.  is not moooooooooooved by my begging. 
*sigh.   Nevertheless…..