Fall and falling

   I can count on it, you know… enter a discussion that involves politics, whether here on this blog or at the dinner table (MISTAKE, ALWAYS)… and ultimately someone is aggravated.  We wonder why the people in Washington can’t seem to get it straight, can’t see the forest for the trees, and yet we underscore it with our own behaviors.  I’m guilty as charged.   Let me just say this… what irks me most is not the actual politics but  the hysteria and prejudice we the people (and that includes the politicians) can’t seem to put aside to just get along and get the f-ing job done.

   Onward.    Fall has been unusual here in New England.  For the past few days we’ve been walking around in tee shirts and flip-flops.  Tropical Storm “Karen” (ha ha)  looms in the Gulf and we’re feeling the warm humid air from that system way up the coast.  The colors in the leaves are not as vibrant as usually but I still love this season….oh, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the smell of wood burning in fireplaces, the crisp open-window-good-sleeping air that has not yet graced us with it’s presence… 
The four amigos… 
If you’re looking to plant something simple in your yard next year
that just keeps giving and giving…
think ZINNIA.

 …and perhaps cucumber.
We discovered this plant growing in the little greenhouse attached to our garden shed
at the end of the summer.  No one had planted it or watered it and yet it grew all by itself
I guess from an errant seed in the spring…and grew the most beautiful cucumbers. 
Still going strong!
GROW where you’re planted.

I’ve brought a little fall indoors….

 Found this large (ceramic?) pumpkin at TJMaxx for  $12…
my favorite new thing.

  Pumpkins everywhere…

I have to be careful with what I put in the man cave …
apparently this is acceptable.

On the kitchen windowsill…. 
When I had the Artisan Gallery, these cast iron birds were a huge seller…
every time I look at them it reminds me of all that I miss about the shop.
Perhaps someday another.

 It’s a new day, all – and the beginning of the weekend –
Make it a good one!