T’is the Season through your eyes…

Quiet Reflections of the season  ~ There’s a bit of melancholy in the holiday season for me, but it’s also filled with bursts of joy, and the quiet contentment I find in simple things that gladden my heart. Candlelight is one of the things that warms my heart.                                                       
  Kate Young ~  chronicles of a country girl

My fondest Christmas memories are when we would travel to my grandparent’s house in Greensboro, NC to stay with them through Christmas. We didn’t go every year, but when we did it was great. I would walk in the house and go straight to the kitchen where I would find Christmas tins filled with home baked cookies. Some in the traditional sugar cookies made with cookie cutters and sprinkles and some other varieties, too. My grandmother was a teacher of first graders. She taught for 35 years before she retired. When I was young and her school was not out for Christmas break yet I got to go with her to school and spend the day in her class. I had to do the lessons just like all the other kids, but I loved it. Of course, I had the big head thinking that the other kid’s teacher was my grandmother. I will never ever forget her letting me go to work with her.

Kim ~  http://savvysouthernstyle.blogspot.com/

Christmas Magic
Sue at Beach Bungalow       http://sue-beachbungalow.blogspot.com/

Nancy  ~  A Rural Journal

December 1952

I am actually holding a doll that belonged to my older brother, Wesley. It’s name is Patti, and that is what they named me. Mother still has this doll, however my brother is no longer with us.
Patti – Osage Bluff Quilter

 Happiness is….
There’s no rhyme or reason why this picture is my favorite today.
 It makes me smile and want to go hug my grandpup.

“Taking a break from wood-chopping”

Sandy at Aging Disgracefully
Tradition – Family Portrait on Christmas Day

 I choose this picture because these two silly little ornaments mean so much to me. The angel was made for us over 30 years ago by our niece. We didn’t have children but my sister selflessly shared hers with us, this little angel is on my tree every year. The trailer park ornament was given to me by my dear friend of 27 years who passed away this summer. We travel and live in our motor coach most of the time, so we jokingly call ourselves trailer trash. I must have cried buckets today as I put all the ornaments she has sent to us over the years, on the tree. To me this is what Christmas is, family and friends.
 Joyce Ann –  http://joyceagray.blogspot.com/

Christmas in Florida! …Santa on the Rainbow River.

 “And the stockings were hung…”      I don’t know how I found the time to stitch four such intricate stockings… one for each son. The smaller ones behind the stitched ones are for the boys respective pets. And the blue store bought one is for the new daughter-in-law….it’s too bad for her that my stitching days are over!! 🙂                                                             Grace ~   http://www.newsfromthehill.com/

*Letter for Santa *
Kathryn at Take my Breath Away –   http://www.jemsmom.blogspot.com/

“Missing you, dad”                                                                           Sheryl ~   ain’t for city gals…..

I was thinking  last night while watching my favorite Christmas tv program,  the Andy Griffith show “A Christmas story ” … what I love about Christmas is the great food, the look in your kids face Christmas morning, being with 60 family members Christmas eve night, and being at moms for christmas morning breakfast!  Merry Christmas to you –                  Andy – http://thelittlewhitehouse-andy.blogspot.com/ 

This  is my Scottish grandmother’s Christmas pudding recipe. Passed down to her from her mum. This was taped inside a very old cookbook that was passed on to me! It is really yummy. A traditional Xmas
pudding.  May your holiday be merry and bright! 
Deborah ~   http://fashionplate-hungryforstyle.blogspot.com/

Lynn ~ I love to decorate my house with both real and artifical greenery –

First white Christmas in 60 years!
Andy ~  thelittewhitehouse-andy.blogspot.com

23 thoughts on “T’is the Season through your eyes…”

  1. Karen- What a beautiful post today. I loved the one about the grandmother's house with the cookies (the teacher) and the baby doll one under the tree…loved them ALL actually. Thank you and Merry, Merry Christmas- xo Diana

  2. OMGosh, I enjoyed each of these so much. It's awesome seeing everyone's interpretation.

    Merry Christmas to you my dear Karen and thanks for doing this! Loved it.

  3. Awww, these are wonderful. I'm so glad you did this, Karen. And, sorry I forgot.

    Have a wonderful Christmas with all your family today!

  4. Loved the photos of what's dear to the hearts of others. Merry Christmas, Karen. Hope it has been good for you and your family.

  5. Karen, this was such a great post! Loved it. I've borrowed the idea for my birthday so if you want to share a favourite post from your blog on mine….:)Let me know!xo

  6. Merry Christmas, 1 year and 3 months late. Please don't do the math, I might be wrong.
    My husband asked me tonight "how many blogs did that woman write???)" when I told him what I was reading. He asked the same last night. haha It's like reading a good book. I just can't quit till I've read every single page. Not all in one sitting though. ;)I really do love your blog. My favorites are definitely the ones about life lived. Thank you for being so honest in yours!

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