Turning another page….


still do Easter baskets for my 16 and 22 year old children.

I probably will until they have children of their own.
This morning the girlchild came downstairs and with the usual
enthusiasm, enjoyed the contents of her basket.
Three hours later, when the manchild awoke, he sauntered past the
kitchen table which held the baskets…
and proceeded out the door to go get the tractor.
Not even a glance toward the basket.
I said  “YO!!… you didn’t even go through your basket yet!”
He said… well he shrugged and said…
“oh… yeah. I’ll check it out later”.

Times… they are a changing.
We’ve got family coming for dinner tonight…
Frasier is doing just fine.. getting along well with our other dogs and people.

These glasses were brought back from the Cape by a friend…
when filled with white wine, the hue is beautiful.

However you celebrate today, I hope you feel renewed in the promise of Spring, as I do.
Bailey is telling me I can just kiss her *ss with that renewal crap.
I’m the one who brought the new guy home, after all.
Ah well. You can please some of the people some of the time…

19 thoughts on “Turning another page….”

  1. Those glasses are wonderful. Hugs to Bailey. She'll love him in time. Frasier seems like such a mellow guy. I used to put together an Easter basket for my husband with fishing lures and tackle, then give him a kitchen pass to get out of my hair. It was a win-win.

  2. Your son's reaction to the Easter basket is the very reason I stopped making them for my kids. I do fill a large trifle dish with assorted candies and chocolate and they feel some of the nostalgia, I guess.

    Your table looks so pretty! Wishing you a wonderful day!


  3. Oh yeah, I still do baskets for my 21 and 22 yo guys!! And I have to mail Noah's…and if he was home he would want me to hide plastic eggs with candy inside so he could try to find more than his older brother! wait…Frasier?? What? I'm going to have to go back and see when that happened! We have fallen in love with Oliver…you were so right.

  4. LOL-Yep-that BOY is on to MAN things now, Mom. When they have kids they go back to BOY things and see them all through the eyes of their kids. Blessings to you today and I hope you have a wonderful evening with your friend- xo Diana

  5. This was the first year that I didn't do baskets. College is expensive for three children and we take care of them so much through the year, I decided that I can do baskets once I'm free from the college bills. Your table looks lovely.

  6. Next year you might consider hiding that basket and waiting to see if he misses having one. If he doesn't, you can eat all the goodies!

    Hope your Easter was fantastic!

  7. Love those wine glasses–your tablesetting is lovely! Frasier looks right at home–Bailey will get over it! Have you ever read "The Hidden Life of Dogs"–fascinating!

  8. Those glasses are beyond gorgeous and there is nothing like tulips to just make you happy! Maybe Bailey needs a nice bouquet of tulips! 🙂

  9. beautiful table. i guess i should be ready for that attitude as my children grow up 🙂

  10. My hubs and I bickered about candy. I said, "My girls don't eat candy – you want it."

    It was true. He pouted all day. LOL!

    Looks like your day was awesome!

  11. Lighten up, Bailey! What do you think the dog world is, first come first serve? LOL Oh, never mind… in time I know that you will share. LOL

  12. I still do baskets for my girls who are married, with children of their own, and are 34 and 29:) Now I make one for my niece too:) Being girls they do appreciate it LOL! but they must know that I do it for myself…

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