Two eggs and a big pile of dirt

Today I found TWO eggs in the coop!

And because Mike can never sit still or be without a project….
the back hayfield is being regraded because
when it’s mowed, you need to have an appointment already
set up with the chiropractor and immediately go there
upon completion of mowing of said field.
The subdivision neighbor who has not always been happy that
we restored the farm to working condition?…
Well, hopefully they’ll appreciate that
the dirt pile will fortify the fields and garden again… next summer.
Hey, atleast it’s not chicken sh*t.
Steve is back to do some more stonework too…
There is no shortage of stone around these parts.
As I take these pics, it’s about the time when I switch the big and little horses so
Coady and Lacey get some grass time out in the field.
He’s trying to tell me I’m running late.

20 thoughts on “Two eggs and a big pile of dirt”

  1. LOL-At the Krippled Warrior comment! Little does he know the trials those neighbors have put you through. They need to buy themselves a sense of humor. xo Diana

  2. I love the old stone fence. We have them around our country property. That is the sweetest photo of him peaking over the fence.

  3. The poor stone fella; must be back-breaking work. It does look like little guy is wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. 2 eggs make a good omlet.

  4. Oh, he's cute!
    I'm always thinking about taking the plunge with chickens. Your eggs are gorgeous, and I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to have farm fresh eggs at my beck and call. Very tempting.
    Your stone is so pretty. I love stone walls, and walks….pretty much stone anything calls my name.
    Looks like life on the farm is keeping you busy!

  5. Your whole place makes me have gardeners-shame. I have good intentions, but bad time-management skills.

    Lovely lovely shots. Even the horse looks cute!

  6. What a cute little guy, waiting to be turned out. I see you use Horse Guard fence. We've had ours up for about six years now and we're still pleased with it.

  7. Karen,
    YAY, yay, yay for TWO eggs! We are now getting 4-5 each day! I am baking about once a week.
    Happy eggs to you! That pony pic is adorable! xo, Cheryl

  8. Hi, I'm new to your blog and as I was looking at past posts, I found myself getting more and more jealous. Isn't that horrible??? You have pretty much what I've always wanted, but way too chicken to actually do. Anyway, it all looks heavenly, very, very nice work. 🙂

  9. Another lovely insight in life at your wonderful farm. I'd be tempted to put a big pile of horse shit in stead of the non-chicken-shit one. Personally I like the smell of our personal pile of horse manure, but I'm one of a select few 😉 I'm pretty sure your neighbours don't belong to our select group.

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