
  To say we’ve had a stressful month on a few fronts here at This Old House is a bit of an understatement.  The great news is things are looking up.  The best of the day is… our previous house has finally sold.  Today. Did we take a beating in the purchase price?… H*ll yes.  But it’s no longer our burden.  As in that monstrous second mortgage is now paid off and this one is more “do-able”.  

  Amen and Hallelujah. 

26 thoughts on “Unwind”

  1. Congrats on the sale. I think everyone takes a big cut these days. Our house is worth so much less than it was a few years ago. Just makes me sick. Great pictures and you and I have the same foot tan.

  2. Congratulations. We decided to wait one more year before we take our beating!!! lol Sad, isn't it…but also good to be free of the extra mortgage moose! I am so happy for you..now you can breathe a sigh of relief…xo Diana

  3. Relief comes in waves, and from the waves… don't you think? I am glad for your news. Now have a glass of wine and enjoy the summer rain knowing you don't have to check two sets of gutters for clogs…

  4. Karen, I was just thinking of your and wondering if your other house had sold! Congratulations on unburdening yourself at least a little, and I'm glad things are looking up. Love your photos too!

    Kat 🙂

  5. Wonderful news, Karen and what a relief for you and you husband. Who the hell wants to carry 2 mortgages. One of the reasons I don't want my husband to change jobs since I know it will take eons to sell this house. Great photos by the way… 🙂


  6. GREAT NEWS! What a relief for you guys. I'm glad things are looking up. I had a similar experience when selling my first house many years ago, it was on the market for 1 1/2 years. We didn't have 2 mortgages but we couldn't move into our present house before we sold that one. Stress indeed.

  7. I feel your pain and your happiness. We have been in the same position more than once. Not having a second mortgage, even though you lose money on a house sale, is still a huge sigh of relief and a good start to less stress. Take a deep breath and sigh of relief. You deserve it!

  8. Very good news Karen! I think there are a whole lot of people in that boat right now. Take a huge sigh of relief and a glass of wine and go sit in the sand!! Love this set of pictures!

  9. Karen, this is great news!!! We sold our former house two years ago (taking a bath on the price) but the feeling of relief was WONDERFUL. Congratulations!

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