Vineyard 2014 – 1

 We have just returned from a family vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, one of my favorite places to stick my toes in the sand and watch the power of the ocean unfold.  Gently… not the BIG power, just the gentle stuff, ya know.   The water there is different from our coastal water.. .Long Island sound and the CT River are brackish and tampered with silt and it changes the color of the ocean water as it comes to rest on our shores.   Out there, the turquoise and navy and green hues of that refreshing clean ocean water are still a bit wild and unfettered ..  it’s soul soothing, just that.

The island is so diverse, it’s hard to put into words in one post.  So if you care to follow along, in the next few days I’ll do my best to describe the experience for us that is Martha’s Vineyard.

Let’s start with that ocean water and the various strands of beach… although I won’t cover all of them, these are the ones we visit…

Wasque Beach   is a 200-acre nature reserve on Chappaquiddick Island off of Marthas Vineyard. The Boston Globe called this stretch of sand a “Magnificent Beach”.  We have to agree – very pristine,  not crowded at all, still ruggedly natural.  Travel & Leisure calls it the best in New England.

My mermaid girl was carried off to sea not long after she was created…

Rip currents can be strong, so caution is always advised.
Note the erosion in the background, of which there is much. 

 Mike and I walked up North Main street  in Edgartown most early mornings and then down the beach path to Edgartown light.. where I couldn’t resist wading in on those still water days to look for shells not yet discovered by beach combers.  The water was so incredibly calm on two of these mornings… amazing, the ocean moods you witness if you spend any length of time by the sea.  The Edgartown Light beach is the only dog friendly beach on the island, and is excellent for swimmers





 State Beach is a very crowded but extremely young- child friendly beach for those who like their swimming water tame and shallow.  Parking is difficult on weekends in the summer months – getting there early to set up is advised.  We do a lot of sitting around with toes in the water or sand, book reading and football throwing here.  If you plan to stay for more than a few hours, bring a cooler of food and drink and an empty bladder.   – just sayin.
See the color of that water?  Amazing.

This time around, I had someone with us who was willing to take the leap off the
JAWS bridge with me.  My son’s girlfriend is a real trooper, I kinda love that about her.
And hell no, there is not a photo as proof. That would require a full body bathing suit shot,
and it’s just not happening here.  🙂
This is the JAWS bridge, named so because it was in the movie…

Here’s a scene in the movie with the bridge in the background… see the fin? …

State beach, scene from Jaws as everyone evacuates the water…

 This one is just kinda funny. But Oh, how that movie terrorized me all those years ago.

 More tomorrow if you’d like to tag along….