Vineyard 2014 – 3

  Our favorite town on island is Edgartown and it’s harbor, home to the previously featured Edgartown light. So much charm in the old sea captains homes, their maritime history,  the brick sidewalks, the old churches, the gardens,  and even the visitors from all over the world who’s languages and accents float along the sidewalk as they stroll along.  Restaurant choices are abundant and the food is fantastic. For those of you who like to shop.. you could shop till you drop.

This is our youngest crew – truly a joy to be around, I’m happy to say.
M & M on the left, my nephew C and his girlfriend on the right.
Polite, appreciative, helpful, Amen.

Moody skies on our first night…

The house we called home for a week… an 1800’s colonial
with wavy floors and big old rooms decorated in true vineyard style. 


One of my favorites below.. but rents along the harbor waterfront are
very expensive.  Our location on Main street across from the Old Whaling church
was more affordable and we found it very convenient.

Two great places to have breakfast.. the Right Fork Diner out at Katama air strip..
and the Main Street Diner in Edgartown.
This pic taken years ago at Main Street…

Same booth this time around….

The Atlantic at the base of Main street on the water is fantastic.


And a stroll around town after such a meal is delightful.

They look like an ad for Town & Country, don’t they?

Can you imagine sitting out on this porch overlooking the harbor with coffee every morning?

I think he consumed five lobsters while on island…
This pic was taken at the Black Dog Taven in Vineyard Haven.

We were thrilled to know our home away from home for a week would be across
from the Old Whaling Church… Mike loves the sound of church bells
and we had a front row seat!….
Until he realized it was going to chime.. every hour.. on the hour.. the number of times that was the actual hour… day… and night.
It made for some interesting sleeping… or not.

 We came home with some wonderful memories, family time I will always cherish, and this….