If your head isn’t spinning yet from all the vitriol and ridiculousness and continuing bullshittery that is our current situation in these Un-United States (how did we get to this – I’ll say it one more time, We Are Better Than This… oh please let us find our way to a better place, and soon, all of us)….. then you come from some sturdy stock. My fibromyalgia has been in flare in recent weeks and I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m getting far too worked up over things I cannot change. Truly I need to just set it down and walk away from it – we’ve all heard the serenity prayer, right?…
This version even better –
Fat chance unknotting knickers, but.. baby steps. So this weekend we made a concerted effort to stay the hell away from the headlines and just enjoy what’s around us – here on the farm, down at the cottage and a little lunch date excursion to the seaside town of Stonington, CT – Staying off topic is no easy feat, as the Mr. and I are polar opposites on the political spectrum. Not in all things, but Tr*mp and his rhetoric make the differences seem as wide as the Grand Canyon’s divides.
Anyway!… The Dog Watch Cafe – I’ve written about it before – if you’re in CT or driving through – it’s a lovely waterfront cafe run and staffed by friendly people with a delicious menu. Best fish & chips we’ve ever had, but there’s so much more to their fare. Have you ever heard of short rib and onion stuffed ravioli? Me either – and it was delish! And just look at all those flowers….
New to me – these paint splattered petunias. Not sure what their real name is but they’re beautiful –
The town itself is lovely – all sea captains homes, lovely cottages, row houses, and some old huge homes and buildings made into condo complexes that are just gorgeous…
The peach roses and purple clematis at this cottage were stunning – the picture doesn’t do them justice.
Note the Little Free Library on the bottom right of this photo… there were several around town, a concept I absolutely love. Reinforces what is good in people. Encourages reading, knowledge, kindness.
This brick building with slate roof is much larger than it looks in this picture, stretching down to the water behind it, converted into beautiful condos (OMG the prices though) . Click HERE for a listing available right now…
Below is the Cavalry Church, built in the 1800’s. I’m not religious – but in doing a little research on the impressive stone building, I came across their message – This is the type of message I think all religions and worshippers should embody. Unfortunately it’s not always the case.
Welcome to Calvary Church, Stonington–we hope you will come visit us in our “Church by the Sea.” We are a caring community of faith seeking to share the love of God in our life together with one another, and in our support and care for those in need in the world around us. All are welcome here. Calvary is made up of members young and old, with many new to this community of faith–“whoever you are, from wherever you have come, you are welcome here.”

We found a little seaside park that is also a preserve with walking paths and benches. They’ve installed some beautiful native flowers, bird and butterfly habitats – this split rail fence adorned with some beautiful vine art by a neighbor of the preserve – the vine pattern goes for at least 10 lengths of fence.
Mom had a visit from three of her long time friends – I call them The Golden Girls. Their long standing friendship of many years and their kindnesses to each other and our family is inspirational. Here they are, visiting Stella by the Sea – and I’m so grateful they got to “sea” her. Her doors are always open should they decide to stay for a spell.
It’s a glorious morning here on the farm – this photo taken an hour ago as the sun rose. The three amigos, all getting on in years, living a good retirement life. I wish the same for all of us.
Miss Sally, one of my two southern rescue Georgia peaches, is learning to like our rides in the Jeep when we go to the cottage. As long as I let her stand on the arm rest where she can lean in and drool all over my shoulder, she’s learned that every little thing is gonna be OK. Sometimes if we’re paying attention, we can learn a thing or two from our animals, don’t ya know. This isn’t lost on me…
Have a good day, all – and thank you for stopping by.