A walk in the woods with Frasier


am amazed at this awesome little dog who has made his way into our home and hearts.  After just over a week’s time… I know he’s completely housetrained, well mannered, gets along just fine with other dogs and people.  He follows me everywhere, and that includes the bathroom when I take a shower.  He sleeps on my discarded clothes when I do so.  His one bad habit is that he is able and willing to jump the stone wall in the dog yard when something really really grabs his attention.  Like me leaving him for the barn or in particular… my chickens.  He’d like to just taste one, thank you very much.  And I cannot believe he can jump straight up in the air, approximately six feet, with no toe holds in the middle… to get over that fence.  This yard was made for my GREAT DANE, for cripes sake.   Frasier would make an excellent agility dog, if I were so inclined.   SO.. I’m very careful not to tempt him when he’s in the dog yard.  The chickens aren’t turned loose while he’s out there, and I don’t go to the barn unless he’s in the house.  I’ll also have to be very careful about this, because when he gets something in his mind…. like tasting chickens, he’s a one-track kinda guy.  This is the only time he doesn’t listen to me.

 Yesterday, we went for his first Connecticut woods walk at Parmelee Farm.  So much work is being accomplished there… amazing what the good will and many many volunteer hours of caring citizens can do for a community gathering place.  Although our spring has turned back to the typical New England chilly grey,  there are things growing, colors bursting…

First we walked past the old school house that has just been moved to the site…
Then we wandered throught he community garden.
Most plots haven’t been started yet this season, but there were some survivors from last year.

You can see the back of the school house in this picture……

..and this one…

 As we walked through a field to begin one of the many marked trails,
I noticed these litttle flowers blanketing  the grass…
anyone know what they’re called?
Frasier didn’t care whether he walked the bridges or trudged through the streams…

These beautiful yellow flowers were found in the wetlands…

Heading back.. I noticed a new door on the stone barn…

Parmelee Farm is an example of what people can accomplish for a community
when they work together for a common good.
If only all of the world could accomplish the same.
All it takes is heart.

24 thoughts on “A walk in the woods with Frasier”

  1. I always called them Mayflowers or bluets. My Aunt Mary started a tradition for me every spring. I dig up a big clump and "pot" it in a flat vase and they stay beautiful in the house for a few weeks! LOVE them!!! They are VERY early this year. Usually aren't out till May. Thanks for the Parmelee Farm pix. I haven't been there since last Fall when the Bear story at Jensens scared me away. I think I'm ready to go back because I MISS my trails so MUCH!

  2. Falling in love with Frasier, I think you are.

    If you insert the word 'Ruby' and feminine pronouns into your first paragraphy, you describe OUR new girl perfectly. Now that she's been here for 6 weeks, there's a lot less of the 'nose up my butt' like we had earlier on. She still follows me everywhere … and I watched her chase and roll a chicken at her foster home.

    Now that I think of it, I'm falling in love with Frasier, too.

  3. Oh the photo ops with that old school and stone wall!!!! A photographer's dream! I absolutely love the upward shot of the trees. It is so striking! Very cool!

  4. What a fun addition to your family! I would take him out to the chicken yard on a leash and train him to leave the chickens alone. Zach killed a couple of ours when he was younger and now he is not the least bit interested. Frasier can learn and it will make your life easier, even if it takes time.
    I LOVE those rock walls and the flowers growing nearby. What a beautiful sight. I will check out the website:-)

  5. He's quite a handsome fellow! You might try holding a chicken and having him sit next to you and be on his best behavior. That worked for us when we had to introduce our terrier to new kittens/cats at the barn. He seemed to "get" that this was a member of the family and he shouldn't harass it…. now the neighbors cats were fair game though!

  6. LOVE the one room schoolhouse. This reminds me of my mother's brothers who actually taught in those, and also she was a student in her brother's class. She claimed she could get away with nohting! Also, she told us that he had eyes in the back of his head. 🙂

    Frazier is really cute. I was wondering if he has some jack russell in that he can jump like that. And, oh goodness if he actually got to a chicken, that would be the worst.

    Great photo's. 🙂

  7. OH, Frasier, mad dog jumping skills, eh? Wowsa!

    Such pretty country—and all the flowers you have in bloom! Although I see a tinge of green out there, it's calling for snow right now and we are a looooong way off from being where you're at. Are the community gardens mostly for veggies or will they fill up full of flowers. When you reference to them as plots, I don't think of garden 'plots' another type of plot comes to mind.

    Oh–and your photos in the previous post—your daughter is beautiful!

  8. Frazier is a great dog it seems! It also seems some one is getting attached! I hope big Ben doesn't get jealous! ! Have a great night

  9. fraiser is so lucky to have you as his mom….so very very lucky. and you know, i think he knows that !!

  10. These photos look like you were walking in my neighborhood:) Even the brook looks just like the Roaring Brook that I walk along every day! Those sweet little flowers are bluets for sure…I love how they can cover an entire field. The yellow flowers are Yellow Marsh Marigolds…very beautiful and poisonous I believe.

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