Weekend Snapshots

 Out for a drive on a breezy afternoon  ….
Old Lyme

Home overlooking cove ..
turkey vultures overhead. 

This is their view. 
Can you imagine?
Saybrook Light and Osprey nests. 

back at the ranch… Wall work continues….

Fruit trees budding…

Still chilly, blankets back on…

A new roost for the chickens…

Dinner at a favorite place with dear friends…
this was a brush mill many moons ago.
The gears remain in the ceiling.

 It was water powered back in the day!

There is a new King Betta to keep Ruby company.

..and Hey, it’s time to put those jelly beans out, if you haven’t already.

Spring is in the air, folks, and I’m loving every minute of it.

27 thoughts on “Weekend Snapshots”

  1. What great pictures from your weekend. We have so many vultures around here. Took some shots of two out by the pond a few weeks ago and one was doing some kind of strange dance around the other one. Probably a mating ritual.

  2. ooh, I love jelly beans.
    and yes, I love that view….I can' t imagine living on the ocean seeing that every day……wow.

  3. I love your pictures. I've never heard of turkey vultures. Interesting. I love your rock wall. What a job that must be to put that together!
    Unfortunately, I've had the jelly beans out for a week or so, which means I'm eating them. 🙂

    Have a great week.

  4. Our plum tree is in full out bloom! So pretty. I was taking photos of it today, and the cherry tree has buds but no blooms yet. Spring is soooo early this year!

  5. Looks like you had a good weekend! Great pics…especially the one with that ocean view!!! Spring is a comin' but boy those March winds…brrrr!

  6. You had a lovely weekend I see, beautiful pictures! Some of our Osprey showed up this week. I'm sure they will be busy building their nests and getting ready for their little ones.

    Kat 🙂

  7. Love your pictures here. I am ready for Spring, too, but haven't seen the first robin yet. Soon, I hope. You found some wonderful things to take pictures of! xo diana

  8. Love each and every single photo Karen! Was that the "Mill" restaurant? I'd love to go back to E. Lyme this fall…but alot depends on gas prices!

  9. Beautiful photo's! Love them all. Your rock wall is coming along nicely.

    Jelly beans? Uh no, not yet. I don't even know when Easter is! 🙂

    Like your new header and background too.

  10. I feel like I just visited your place- literally 🙂 The scenery is truly gorgeous. Ahh spring… I'll settle for gradually melting snow… ha, for now anyway!

  11. That's great looking scenery on tour little drive! !! Your wall is so awesome I love the whole history behind those types of little touches! ! Watch the jelly beans that's my favorite candy and at Easter time they have the spice ones wow!!!!

  12. I love restaurants in unique settings!
    No, I don't have any jellybeans yet–I like the hard outer shell, but not the "jellied" center. My weakness is the malted, speckled eggs! I'm loving Spring too–It was 79 degrees here today and I weeded the front flower bed and just enjoyed being outdoors!

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