Well that sucks


Because I was over the moon in love with the house of decrepitute on the water in the post below, I did further research last night, and learned it is already on deposit.  *sigh*    Not only that…. the taxes on the old girl as she stands right now, are $18,000. annually.  Once we renovated, the value would go up and our taxes per year would be somewhere in the mid $20K’s…  That’s just not do-able unless we win some major lottery in the coming year. So , for now, our seaside fixer-upper remains a pipe dream. 

 The sad thing is not really that it’s out of our league… what I find disheartening is  many of these homes which have been on the Connecticut Shoreline for over 100 years, are being torn down and in their place, bigger and in some cases  tacky residences are being put back up. The old trees around them come down too.  We are the rare exception that prefer to renovate and keep the old house standing….and to be fair, that’s probably because M has the ability to do so.    What’s worse –  to the average middle class family?… it will never be feasible again to have a second home or even ONLY home.. on the water for summer family enjoyment.  This is a dream that was far more attainable 30-40  years ago.  Nowadays, even if  you can afford the purchase price, the taxes will kill you instead. 

  I am going to follow the house’s progress, and will report back to you exactly what the soon-to-be owner does with her.   Do you think maybe, if it turns out to be a tear-down (likely)….  they’ll let me have the purple glass door knobs?  I just might ask.  If I do, I’ll make one of them a give-away on the blog.   

28 thoughts on “Well that sucks”

  1. Well, if nothing else you have made me feel better about the what I think are the outrageous property taxes we pay in Arizona. I can't imagine paying that kind of tax! Also, hard to believe someone didn't come in a clean that house up before they put it on the market…good gosh..

  2. I'm sorry its not looking good! My father in law has a beach ft home and we go down in the summer. I would love to have it or my wife would but the taxes and insurance on a ocean ft home there s no way I could afford. Have a great Monday!

  3. Well, shucks.

    I hadn'tseen the glass door knobs since my grandmothers house. Now, I'm wondering what happened when the house was torn down.

    Have a wonderful day, Karen. 🙂

  4. Sorry, your heart got broken. I think all of us were hoping you would get it and we could watch the progress.
    I own a second home..no problem a few years ago but it it getting harder and harder with taxes and utlities keep going up.
    Sure hope they do not tear her down.

  5. that does suck…..

    holy cow, that is so my kind of house. are you sure we aren't twins separated at birth since we love things like this 🙂

    and oh YES, get this knobs. leave a note telling whoever that you'll take them now and will bring replacement ones with you when you go to pick them up 🙂

  6. The story of so many people's lives… taxes can keep a person from doing many of the things they would like to do when it comes to real estate. It's one of the reasons we chose not to move to the state of New York a few years ago… houses were cheap but property taxes were incredibly high. That door knob is da bomb!

  7. You are right. That totally sucks. Taxes suck for that part. Darn government! 🙂 She was a beautiful home and I can't believe that someone hasn't swiped those glass doorknobs. I know Jemma would have! They are purple after all! I couldn't get over the old newspaper from 1979 still there. Amazing!

  8. I was so looking forward to your renovations, I share your disappointment. Well it was not ment to be. I will be interested to see what the new owners will do with it.

  9. I know- it is sad. Our kids will never be able to afford a 2nd home. We are fortunate to live on the bay but the taxes are hefty. Worth it to us, but hefty. How sad that some of those old beauties are coming down. xo Diana

  10. That sucks big time! Sorry for the old girl and for you, the not so old girl, too 😉 Hopefully the new owner will restore her back to her former beauty. You never know…

  11. What a stunner of a house! Loved the photo tour and then to hear the taxes are that high? Wow! Its terribly sad that these houses can't be renovated instead of torn down and at an affordable price. Yes, love the door knobs! And they look perfectly intact!! Salvage them for sure if they let you!

  12. Our waterfront taxes are outrageous, but not that outrageous…yikes! I'm sorry it didn't work out, you guys would have brought that beauty back to her former glory! Something else will come along though, and in the meantime you have a beautiful home to live in while you wait.

    Kat 🙂

  13. What a beautiful house, so much potential…..have faith, wasn't it under a deposit earlier that fell thru…..you just never know; It would be a gorgeous project, and being on the coast like that, oh wow……please keep us posted, hopefully someone will see the beauty of not just the lot but the house too!!

  14. That does suck and those taxes are outrageous! I do hope that the new owner will choose to renovate rather than tear down. And, good luck on the purple door knobs! You won't know if you don't ask!

  15. Yes, Karen, this is happening here as well. All of the old homes are being completely leveled and brand new multi million dollar mansions are being put up in their place. There have been four right on our street at the cottage. One of them is on the market for over a mil. It was built by our neigbor who is a neurosurgeon. He built it FIVE years ago now…and nobody has ever lived there. The place is awesome!!! Unfortunately, no one can afford to buy it. And then there's that bit about the taxes too!! I do hope that you get those purple doorknobs Karen! They are priceless!!! I'm so sorry that your dream home isn't going to happen…just yet. But, I have a feeling, it WILL!!! It really will!!!

  16. It happens around here all the time — old farm houses and barns being torn down for crop land. Same is happening with the windbreaks. No respect for the old ways — just plain greed.

    Hope they decide to renovate the old girl.

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