We’ve got issues…

   For the past four days  my blog would not let me write a new post or change a header. Both the layout and template features were useless and we all know how impossible it is to get in touch with anyone at Blogger.  Two weeks ago my blog was no longer supported by Windows 8 and I had to switch to Chrome.  Just when I’m getting used to Chrome… something goes wonky and it ain’t working.  I have tried trouble shooting, put it on the blogger conversations board, send messages to what is supposedly blogger support… to no avail.  One suggestion I saw when googling around was to switch browsers… AGAIN???… so that’s what I’ve done, currently using Firefox… annoying as hell, slow as molasses, quite frankly it sucks. 

  If you don’t see anything new here for a while, we’ve still got blogger issues, apparently.  *sigh*

 A moon shot taken last night over this old house, when the moon was absolutely spectacular.
..and if you’ve never heard Van Morrison ‘s  Moondance...
.you’re missing something. You can’t help but have your spirits lifted
when that song is in the air.. or the sky.