What is it about hair

You get it in places you don’t want it…
You don’t have enough of it in places you DO want it.
You spend alot of money to get rid of the unwanted hair
and you spend alot of money to enhance the desired hair.
What a circle jerk.
I have never really fussed with my hair much… a few haircuts a year..
Sometimes I just cut it myself, because I’m not really a salon girl.
Same basic style for many years with a little change now and then.
I like it longer, but lately I need to be realistic.
I’m no spring chicken,
and the hair is beginning to show it.
So last week I made a last minute call to the local hair salon,
where I could get a cheap cut, same day.
It was…. a cheap cut, same day.
Wasn’t happy.  
Bobble head doll  with a bob comes to mind.  
I tried to live with it.
Yesterday… I drove past  a fancier “SALON”
and then turned around and pulled into their parking lot.
Made an appointment for later in the day
and said… FIX THIS.
It’s short, …and glamorous I am not,
but I think I like it.
Do I look older? Maybe.
Do I care so much? You know… the answer surprises me.
I don’t.

PS.. I love my sister.
When I got out of the salon I sent her this pic…
and she said…
That’ looks like you’re driving!?
Because she cares, you know 🙂
Umm.. I wasn’t. yet.

37 thoughts on “What is it about hair”

  1. I DO like it! Mine is long, long, what's left of it. It's falling out by the handful. I need to give up and cut it and I'm not sure why I resist. It couldn't look any worse than it already does!

    You look like a spring chicken, chick!

  2. I don't think this looks short!! I thought you meant SHORT!! I do love it on you though. It makes your pretty eyes sparkle! I was going to go shoulder length once the wedding was over but I keep stalling. Now it is put off until after the holidays. I don't know why I torture myself…it is too hard to take care of.

    Were you driving???


  3. From what I can see, in the photo, your hair cut looks very nice…
    I've been going through the long or short thing for the past several years.. I've always had long hair and several years ago I cut it in a nice spikey cut… it was really nice but so much work to keep it that nice.. every 4-6 weeks a trim and daily upkeep… this past few months I've let it grow.. so much easier! Can't wait for pony tale time again!
    Yours looks great!

  4. oh, i like it! if you can keep it sleek like that, yay! i am not a salon person at all. i can never style it like they do, so what's the point? 🙂

  5. Looks great!! I'm trying to make mine grow out. overnight. Funny how I loved it when I first got it all whacked off (really short). Now, 3 months later, not so much. Fickle me! -Tammy

  6. I think you look gorgeous, Karen!
    I got a bad cut a month ago… a cheap one/walk in place. I almost cried when I got home!
    Seriously!! I could have sworn I am TOO OLD for that, right?!!!

    Then I too went to a salon and said fix this!

    It got shorter, but it does look better. I was in the exact same boat! Your looks terrific.


  7. Well, there for a minute I thought you were gonna tell me you went for a Brazilan wax which thought makes me squirm in my chair just sitting here….but I can see you got a NICE hair cut. I actually love it…and the "fix" looks wonderful but I'd REALLY like to see a picture of the BOB! xo Diana

  8. Here's another difference between you and me … I am DEFINITELY a salon kind of gal! When I get my hair cut, I insist on a good cut and I have had the same hairdresser for almost ten years.

    This was handy when my hair was short, and needed a trim every 6 weeks, and it's still good to have someone I trust. Right now, I'm going back to my long hair … but I have frizzy menopause hair and I needed professional assistance because it was a mess. A few well-placed long layers, and I was good to go again.

  9. love your new header, and love your hair cut. Please yourself…..as you get older you realize that those who love you love you for who you are, not how you look.
    and you look great anyhow.

  10. Long time fan of long hair, wore it until I was nearly 50 and then I was of the same opinion, thought I needed to update. Lots of bad haircuts because I "didn't have the time" for a good hairdresser that would help me find a style that I loved. Finally a few years ago I found her and now when I get my hair cut and styled, I think I do look better. At 59 it's all smoke and mirrors! Ask your friends, even ask people in the grocery store when you like their hair… where do you go? You've got a natural beauty that shines Karen!

  11. i love it !…..and i think you look amazing !!!

    and don't get me started talking about where all that hair shouldn't be !!


    {the new header is beautiful, too}

  12. I think it looks a little sassy! I happen to love it and think you wear it well! Plus, I am drooling over your header!! Total awesomeness!

  13. I love how it frames your pretty face 🙂 Looks fab!
    I have always kept my hair long. It is very, very thick and heavy. It just kinda does it's own thing!
    Keep going back to that salon. I think they are keeper 🙂
    And your sister? Too funny!!
    xo, misha

  14. It looks really cute! I like the layers and the bangs around your face! This would make a good profile pic…of course the one you have is nice, but your smile doesn't show through! heehee! Love your new banner, too! ♥

  15. your hair looks great,maybe you should start something with hair and raise money for yor dogs .we do something here while the guys grow a motache then get sponers to get them to cut it . just a thought-love dee

  16. It looks very pretty on you, Karen. And I'm not just saying that.

    My hair is down to my waist and I have been wearing it in a bun at the back lately, which I like.

    I never had long hair as a kid (my mom believed in short, short hair for girls), so I'm enjoying mine for as long as I can. 🙂

  17. Karen, your hair looks great, the salon did a nice save. That's so funny, your sister would think you're driving; I thought you were sitting there, in the parking lot, admiring your beautiful hair cut. You're a pretty woman and I can relate to the "not a salon type"; neither am I.

  18. I like your haircut very much. Which reminds me that I have to make an appointment with my hairdresser too. Thanks for that. I have mixed feelings about going to the hairdresser. I like sitting in the chair and be a little pampered, but I also think it is a waste of time. And I don't like the 'I just came from the salon' look *sigh*

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