36 thoughts on “What Snowbirds are missing”

  1. Hey, I just came from a Canadian blog and they have snow too. You don't think it's slowly coming this way…? Please no, keep it there. It looks beautiful at your place. Love the photo with the chairs.

  2. Awesome images! So peaceful and serene. I so enjoyed the few days of snow I saw while in NY. I'm missing it. I truly am.

    Meanwhile, all the snowbirds are down here… clogging up the streets, stores, hospitals, OK, you get the picture! If hubby & I are ever lucky enough to move again we are moving to a place where snowbirds do not flock! Just sayin'!

    Thanks for those beautiful images!

  3. I love it here too! Your photographs are so fresh and expressive…makes me happy for hot chocolate and a warm fire after barn chores and the sound of horses munching on their hay!

  4. Ah! You were ready! You've got your plow markers in. (last photo) We forgot those one year and made a mess of things.
    All of your photos are stunning.

  5. hmmmm, funny how i don't miss that at all…LOL

    now excuse me now while i get the sand out from in between my toes and eat crab cakes for dinner 🙂

  6. It's true. The snow is gorgeous.

    But tonight while I was running from the car into the movie theater and the wind was whipping my hair back and forth (I whip my hair back and forth . . .) I can't lie – a beach, the sun, and something strong and blended wouldn't make me mad.

  7. Beautiful, but as a North Easterner, I can say, I've about had it with winter. Not just this one, all winters. I'd rather be south, looking at your beautiful snow pictures. Someday maybe.

  8. Snow cream is served when? Love your pictures. I've been keeping an eye on the weather up your way. Just rainy here.

  9. We have both here-Trader Joes & Whole Foods, and both are a drive for me too. I'll liken them both to Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn. They are fun to go in to look around, I might get some ideas, or unusual ingredients to try, but I always end up back at my regular grocery store where I feel better about the cost of what I buy!


  10. Yes…I remember well! Your photos are lovely though! Sometimes I miss those winter walks….but I'm glad to be where I am right now! I'm the type of person that loves life and can be happy anywhere! Hugs! ♥

  11. Gorgeous to look at, any one of them could be an idyllic painting. I just came home from a trip to the North West, visiting my mother, and we had snow and 34 degree weather. I was so happy to get back to the balmy breezes and sunshine in San Diego. I've never lived with seasons so, I guess I'm a big baby about the cold. I don't guess, it's absolutely true, but your photos are really amazing, peaceful and meditative.

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