27 thoughts on “What was she thinking??”

  1. Oh no! She wasn't thinking, but you'll have to. Is there anyway to put a temporary protective screen of some sort in front, but open on top so she can fly in and out?

    Now I can't remember who it was, but last year a bird built a nest on her front door wreath.

    At least you'll have a "birds-eye view" of the whole nesting/hatching process.

  2. Maybe she figured it was safer inside the fence than out — lots of scary things out there! 🙂

    Love the blue in the eggs. Great photos, Karen.

  3. Oh, how wonderful for you! So pretty 🙂
    Our barn Swallows are back! They will fly in and out of the barn all day, over and over. Until they choose a spot to build their nest. I just love how they come back each year. Messy? YES!
    But so worth it!!
    Wonderful day to you, Karen!
    xo, misha

  4. And what about predators? That fence post is not very high off the ground! What was she thinking??? Maybe one of you new peeps will help take care of them, sorta like baby sitting… or not.

  5. I'll be expecting you to take a photo a day, to capture the entire process! If you don't want to blog them… e them to me! I'd recommend some large hole chicken wire to put around that, for protection! Momma can still get in and out, but it might keep predators away. Just a thought!

  6. Awww and oh oh and oops and oolala. Not the best place for a nest. Hopefully all will be well 🙂 Aren't birds nests incredible structures? I'm always amazed by the beauty of them.

  7. Are you insinuating that the girl now lives on the 'other side of the tracks'? LOL OH, poor thing. But ya gotta admit she does have cute little home there.

    How ya been?


  8. I always think that those birds who choose very poor nesting sites are the teenage parents of birdom…they will learn the hard way…

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