When there isn’t an answer worth hearing

This is the view out my back window tonight, I just took it with my phone, no flash.. amazing.  See the neighbors lights off in the distance?   I love this kind of scene, so peaceful.

 Tonight, though, it just makes me sad.  A young man in our small community decided to take his own life yesterday in the nearby state park.   God only knows what kind of emotional pain must have tortured him enough to end his life at such a young age, with so much to look forward to.  The world at that age should be your oyster. 

 I’m only guessing he just couldn’t see the light off in the distance, the possibilities…. Couldn’t find a safe haven from whatever demons followed him and dragged him down. With a drastic decision he’s left all that behind  and now his family will mourn their loss. Is there ever an acceptable answer for such a tragedy?

RIP dear Tommy,  I didn’t know you but I mourn your loss, I feel sorry for your pain and my heart hurts for your family tonight.
