Why ever not

There will always be something that needs doing.
Always the chores – whatever yours may be….
 the deadlines, the paperwork
the wood splitting, the dusting, the vacuuming, the dishwashing and laundry..
the picking up and dropping off and despositing and withdrawing
the garbage removal,  the lawn mowing, the leaf raking
 the 9-5 grind..
The commute, the coffee run, the..(fill in the remaining blanks)
But is this all there is to life?
Absolutely not, I mean, what would be the point? 
So why is it hard to allow ourselves the time to just sit ..and be. 
Why is it “wasting time” if you’re doing nothing in particular?
Yesterday, after having been at Dog Days for three days…
and a teenage sleepover..
my house was a mess and I needed to get it back in some order. 
It was so warm and inviting out on the porch around 2pm 
that I decided to go out for a half hour and finish a great book. 
Why was I hoping no one would catch me – just sitting– in the middle of the day?

I loved this book – great read! I miss the characters already.

28 thoughts on “Why ever not”

  1. Gorgeous shots! Live your moments I always say- and this is the epitome of that… I am convinced one day we will look back, and it won't be the deadlines, or the chores we'll remember nearly as much as the afternoons we took to "savor" life a little! Thanks for letting us savor a little with you 🙂

  2. I waste a little time every day of the year and NEVER feel guilty about it or wonder who is watching or if I will be caught. Maybe it was turning 50 or 55, or whatever… but I just don't give a hoot. We all need some down time in order to be happy and healthy. You deserve to sit on the porch. 🙂

  3. good for you and don't feel guilty. We all need to recharge and what a beautiful setting to do it in with lots of things you love around you (and your camera too)
    peace n abundance,

  4. Good for you! I always tell friends to slow down and enjoy what's around them. You have proven why we need to do so. Your pictures are beautiful. So serene. So much beauty.

  5. I feel the same way about 'getting caught' if I'm relaxing a bit in the middle of the day. I also can't sit and do nothing if somebody else is up working or puttering around. What is up with that? Maybe as I grow older that will change… I hope!

    Beautiful pics!

  6. I know what you mean when it seems all we do is revolve around the things that need to be done. I don't know why, but I feel like I have to ask permission to do the things that I love. I love that you just decided to spend some time relaxing! The book looks excellent, did you like it?


  7. Relaxing is an art and I plan on perfecting it one day. (After my daughters wedding is over). Thanks for the link up to the book, it sounds great. Nothing I love more than great characters that are hard to leave. (As soon as the wedding is over) I'm on that book like a fly on rice. Is that correct?

  8. You do so much, and for sure need not feel guilty for taking some time for yourself. As always, your photo's are extraordinarily beautiful.

    (P.S. I kinda messed my blog up foolin' around, don't be mad 'kay?)

  9. I know exactly what you mean! Great post Karen…why is it women in particular always feel that we can't just sit for five freakin' minutes without feeling guilty? Drives me nuts.

  10. Love the chair with the cushion and the 'mom gone to the beach' shots. Very relaxing. Don't feel guilty. We all need OUR time. Especially when you give so much of your time to others 😉

  11. don't you just love a book where you actually miss the people in it and your family thinks your'e weird when you try to explain it to them……xo

  12. I HATE being caught sitting down. I feel lazy and I think people will think I am lazy! I can rush around for hours working on things, cleaning, etc….I sit down to rest for FIVE FREAKING MINUTES and MyHero walks in the door and says- It's nice to see you taking a day to relax. It makes me want to SCREAM (obsentities)…xo Diana

  13. I loved The Kitchen House. Exactly! I miss the characters still – 3 months later…

    ANd regarding getting caught? OMG – I feel like that whenever I sneak a seat. WTH!

  14. Something about the guilt of doing nothing, I think. It gets better as the children begin to leave home. There's no one waiting on me to do something. Then, I sit down and think "gosh this feels weird", I better get up and go do something!

  15. I want to read that book! And I love your photos…I need to make Mom gone to the beach for myself! I can dream….HUGS! ♥ Have you entered my giveaway? Stop by soon! ♥

  16. I am not one to skip my "me time" reading or daydreaming or surfing the internet…but I admit that if someone comes walking up to the house I scramble to appear to be doing something:) Why the guilt indeed!!

  17. I do the same thing……as soon as I hear anyone, I jump up and get busy. Lately, I have been saying 'whatever' much more…..& I am happier! Love the photos! 🙂

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