Wild Bill’s Nostalgia Store

   On Superbowl Sunday while waiting for the Big Event
The guy and I went to Wild Bill’s in Middletown, CT .
The outside of it has peaked my curiosity for years now,
finally got a chance to go inside… and it is indeed a wild ride into the past.
PS. We won’t discuss the game any further than to say,
I really thought Tom was gonna land the big bomb
in that last nine seconds that would save the day. 
He didn’t -and that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
Wild Bill himself.
My buddy Aaahnold
 The price tag on this Snoopy metal lunch box is $100.  
Most things were reasonable.  Not Snoopy.

 I loved this truck, shoulda bought it.

Do you remember Rock’em Sock’em robots?
I think every pubescent male at the time had this poster….
I had this fisher price house, loved it.
I wonder why I never see Weebles. Anywhere.

Has there ever been a more beautiful man inside and out?

  I’m pretty sure we all loved Lucy.

17 thoughts on “Wild Bill’s Nostalgia Store”

  1. Wow I love this store. Those pedal cars will bring a fortune down here. By looking at the outside I would have never dreamed he would of had all that cool stuff. I remember some of that stuff. Very cool! !! I will not talk to you about the game I promise!! Have a good evening!

  2. Your new boyfriend kinda looks like my ex. Do you understand now?

    I love stores like that! And, yes Paul Newman, goodness gracious.

  3. OMGosh! I would LOVE to walk through that place. Can you believe all the goodies in there? I remember so many of those thing from REAL TIME…lol xo Diana

  4. I will have to show my kids this post. They always wonder when we drive by.

    If only that hail Mary pass was caught! What a win that woulda been for you guys!!!

  5. Wow, what a flashback that is. I have that fp doll house too, one of my all time favorite toys. I'll bet you could spend hours in that store finding treasures 🙂

  6. Looks like a store you could spend hours in. I bet you guys had a great time in there. The front of the building is definitely attention getting. Deb

  7. I have those Rock'm Sock'em robots in my attic. Just pulled the Fisher Price doll house out of the attic, when the AC was being replaced. You wouldn't believe all the things up there. Pretty sure we have the Chipmunks LP, too, only it isn't in the attic.

    Love Paul!

  8. Wow, what a cool place! Wild Bill really looks a it wild. My son had that Farrah poster as a young teen – displayed very prominently on his wall. So many goodies, I would like to see that place.

  9. That is definitely my kind of place!!! Loved all the pictures! It reminds me very much of a place called Boondocks that we went to in Deadwood, South Dakota.

    I really, REALLY wanted him to catch that pass too…

  10. Aaaah! I want to go there!

    I crave to have a disco ball, but where on earth would you put a thing like that. And the hubs would have to go to the ER – I tax that man the way it is. heh

  11. that place is awesome! I had that fisher price house too.

    I've tried to email you back a couple of times, but for some reason hotmail has a block on aol emails (or so the code says when they bounce back). Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know 🙂

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