Willards Island Nature Trail

    In my never ending  and quite possibly futile quest to get back to my pre middle age weight, I have kicked up the walking distance and speed and frequency now that the weather is cooperating.  Frasier is often my companion on these jaunts. I have found that I’m more likely to stick with it if I have a dog with me,  change up the location and don’t worry so much about  things like… 

 how.many.calories.did.I.burn….how.far.did.I.go…. what.speed.did.I.manage

  When I try getting too technical and give myself yet another chore by having to keep track,  I lose interest real fast. That includes using all those fabulous apps that are just one more thing.   So I’m just winging it, and I find I’m having more success at staying the course as long as I don’t plot that course too rigidly.




Silt Soaks are all the rage, you know.

According to Frasier.. you get yourself all situated with a good long stretch.
Then you just relax in that position for, like, five minutes or so.
Long enough for plenty of silt to settle in your fur.
Then you get out, shake off and splatter whoever is within a five yard radius
so that they benefit from the silt soak too.. and you allow the remaining
two pounds of silt to dry on your fur as you meander back to the car,
where you proceed to rub the rest of said silt into the upholstery.
Make sure mom is not prepared with, oh, say.. a towel or three.
It’s just more fun this way.



 It’s a new day, all –  we’re headed to a four day horse show in the rain.  But we’re gonna make it a good one.  You know I’ll be back with pictures… have a great weekend!