William & Kate

  I’m not a “royal watcher” by any means, but you can’t help notice what’s happening on the other side of the pond, it’s all over the news… constantly.   Like many others, I ‘ve certainly grown weary of the constant media barrage regarding the upcoming royal wedding.  There’s an awful lot of serious things happening around the world right now, this is just a wedding after all.  Throw in all the catty gossip and overly publicized scandals to the Royal Family over the years, and it casts a tacky shadow.  Some say the monarchy is outdated.

  So now I’ll admit to you that I happen to like most of the royals and there’s something to be said for upholding centuries old traditions, maintaining rituals, dignity and grace in the face of all that crap.  It’s easy to forget that they are also very real people trying to live and thrive in a surreal world. The expectations are almost impossible.

I love William and Kate as a couple – looks to me like a genuine happiness when they are in each others company and I feel a weird sense of resurrection and renewal for the royal family.  I do believe these two are going to bring a lot of good to the world.

The ceremony was beautiful, the gown was perfect
What a beautiful bride….
talk about grace under pressure!
I was amazed at the sea of hats on just about every woman…
 I’m sure the hatmakers of England can now retire.
..and these two?
Beatrice and Eugenie  …well.. no words needed, really.
OK, one word.
What I would have given to be riding one of those magnificent horses
in the procession through the streets.
I admired their composure in the midst of the cheering crowds.
If you know horses, no easy feat!
 Summing it up, I’m a sucker for a good love story,
and for beauty and inspiration
in a time when we need all we can get.
I was surprised to find myself crying as I watched this piece of history
unfolding across the pond.
A mix of joy, hope…
and sadness.

22 thoughts on “William & Kate”

  1. I am not a royal or a celebrity watcher for that matter, but I too was transfixed this morning and having emotions that took me totally by surprise! It was a magical day for them and I hope they have a long and happy life together as man and wife! And you are so right about those horses…amazing training!

    Kat 🙂

  2. I'm just always appalled by Beatrice and Eugenie… Have those two no pride or just simply no class. UGH.

    Kate is so demure and a total breath of fresh air. I was really, to be honest, expecting something completely different with her wedding dress, but in truth she reminded me of Princess Grace of Monaco so many years ago. Just a class act. That's Kate.

  3. She was very Grace Kelly like, stunning in every way. My eyes kept filling up too, and I thought about Diana, how she would have loved this union.

    As for Prince Andrews daughters, what a disappointment – one of them looks like she has a giant spider on her head, and their outfits are ill fitted, a total disaster.

    As for the horses, I guess they look all over England fro calm horses that do not react to crowds and noise and they are groomed to the nth degree! They were beauties.

    Have you visited "From Beyond My Kitchen Window" today? When you have a moment stop by!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I too had a tear and a lump in my throat at times. William & Kate just look so happy and so in love.
    Kate's gown, simply gorgeous and classic… she looked radiant and very at ease even.
    Oy… those hats. When I look at those two sisters I'm somehow reminded of Cinderella's step-sisters and the outfits they wore…lol.
    Love, love the picture of Diana, William & Harry.

  5. Girl, I am a huge royal follower. I always have been! This is the woman who has a Christmas tree of Henry VIII and his wives! I am a total royal geek. We were up at 5:00 watching and I, too, thought it was absolutely brilliant and magical! I will be posting about our morning here shortly! One of my best friends lives in England and was there! The shot you have of the horses coming down the mall is exactly where she was! I can assure you this… we would have been there if we weren't already flying to Ireland next month! My friend got me one of the royal programs that everyone was holding and todays newspaper from London! Cheerio!!!

  6. Lovely post, Karen. I missed it!

    You're so right, with everything going on in this world, a moment of "love" is just what everyone needed. 🙂

  7. I'm not much of a royal watcher, but was always fascinated with Diana and was truly sad to see her unhappy life unfold, such a tragic ending. Kate seems to have such class, and always looks fantastic. I'm sure William and Kate will bring something special back to the Royals that has been missing for some time.

  8. I'm a sucker for a good love story and I like to believe that Kate and William are truly mad for each other. I got up at five this morning to watch history being made and I was not disappointed. I couldn't help but think of Prince William missing his mother on one of the most important and happiest day of his life. Wonderful post Karen!!

  9. You wrote about this beautifully and I completely agree. It was bittersweet and I couldn't watch Kate without thinking about Diana. I too think these two are "right" together and would love to see them bring a new younger energy to the monarchy.

  10. It is a mix of supreme happiness tinged with sadness. I hope William and Harry find lasting happiness, something the Royals have trouble with. It was a beautiful wedding, Catherine certainly seems to look calm and if she can do her wedding day serene, she's probably cut out for the job she just signed up for today!

  11. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who was crying while watching the celebration! It's precisely because there's so much sadness and horror in the world that I found the whole pageant to be a restorative breath of fresh air! Hope triumphing over experience!

  12. I watch my grandchildren on Fridays so I only managed to catch a bit of the wedding here and there and I admit to a guilty pleasure of enjoying it all….as long as it isn't our taxes paying for it:)….I missed seeing Beatrice and Eugenie…WHaT are they thinking?!!

  13. Those two boys were (are) so adorable and I was thinking about Diana a lot yesterday and how she would have loved (of course) watching her grown man.

    It was a lovely wedding and I thought she looked incredibly elegant!

  14. I watched it twice! For some reason, I woke up early and my husband and I watched it from 5:30 until 8. Then I got dressed up, donned a fancy homemade hat and headed to a girlfriends house at 9 am where 6 girlfriends watched the wedding again (tivoed) while eating scones and sipping tea from her grandmother's elegant tea cups. I got a little teary…. twice. Same thing for me, thinking of Diana.

  15. Came over through Lisa's blog and glad I did. A good review you gave on the wedding….and yep- those hats? No thanks.

  16. I missed most of the wedding coverage, but have to confess to being a bit of an anglophile! The bride and her dress were amazing–so classy and elegant! Yes, I also have a good feeling about this couple and hope the best for them.
    I heard somewhere that a rogue horse broke away and disrupted the procession in the streets, but other than that all went smoothly. As for Sarah and Andrew's girls–Well,this is really snarky and tacky, but….somehow it seemed as if they were Cinderella's stepsisters dressed for the ball. They certainly decided that they wanted their share of the attention, but– REALLY?????—not in a good way!

  17. You summed it up well. I've tried to ignore the pre-wedding hype, but still found myself drawn to the tv as I got myself ready for work. My feeling has always been that we've been down this road before and it didn't quite end very well, but I can't but not hope for better days to come. And I surprised myself by becoming a little teary over what has been lost, what should have been and the promise of what may come, perhaps because we all have a little bit of that in each of our lives.


  18. Fabulous post, Karen. I've been watching recorded versions of the wedding and, like you, found myself a tad teary. Kate is a class act just as was Grace Kelly while Kate and William make a wonderful couple. I hated hearing their wedding, as well as both of them, "commented upon" by people who fancy themselves "reporters".
    I love hats and have worn them for decades so found the various hats fascinating. Must say though, some were questionable and recalled the saying, "some think bad taste is better than no taste at all!"

  19. Well, I welled up at the last photo. Really, though – such a beautiful wedding. I was travelling that day but still got to see some reruns.

  20. I love the royal family; I can't help it. Love William and Kate. Loved Diana. How she would have (I think, but she was a complicated woman for sure) loved this marriage.

    I couldn't help think of Fergie in that daughter wearing the gaudy blue floral getup. Shiver. The hats? No. The taupe-wearing daughter: there's hope for her, in spite of her hat!

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