
 If you’re a decent parent,
you give your kids solid ground and roots to grow….
The hardest part, and one that’s just as important
 … is the giving of wings.

21 thoughts on “Wings”

  1. We can only hope that our children have their eyes and ears open and take in the words and lessons we have to offer them. 🙂

  2. i loved giving my kids wings…..but only one of them has figured out the right thing to do with them. the other one should have been kept on a leash a bit longer……

  3. Karen, are you my sister once removed? I so agree. I cannot stand to hear parents say "Oh, I hope they always live here." How selfish. Selfish! Selfish! Selfish! My daughter (and her wife and the baby) live in Maryland. My son lives in Raleigh, NC. We have wonderful visits. Like I knew we always would. And they have their lives. xo, Cheryl

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