Winter Water

We took a drive along the shore yesterday and discovered some new
places we though we might like to retire to if we ever decide the farm
becomes too much work to maintain.  We were actually pretty
excited about our discovery..and WOW, how have we never heard of this
beautiful enclave before!  It’s still rural in charm, not over developed, and right
along the water! Marshland along the road, I’m already thinking what a great place to walk the dogs!
Oh, some of the houses are really big, but others are reasonable and
there were even a few old farm houses in the vicinity. Not super close together, either!
Here’s an arial view.. the big houses you see are the untouchables, but we
saw land and smaller homes strewn throughout the hills and water inlets of this place. 
 Then we got home to do some research  and …*sigh*
picture someone letting go of a newly blown up balloon that has not been tied yet.
That dream deflated pretty quickly and with fanfare.
You, too, can own a waterfront 2.5 acre lot near Old Quarry Road for a cool $2,400,000. 
The homes go for much more. 

What the *WHAT??* 

So THAT’S where the big money lives.

Anyway.. it was a fine day to take some pictures in a more visitor friendly stretch
a few coves over…
but I left my good camera home.  
I’ll give you these OK phone pics instead.
The blue in the sky was almost surreal
and the ice on the rocks and surrounding the docks 
was a reminder of just how cold it’s been around here.

Look at that sky….
The bummer in this area is how high the waterfront people have to jack up their houses
now that we’ve had two major storms in as many years. 
It’s downright ugliness, but insurance companies insist.
Somehow it just changes the flavor of the whole area. 
We laid in bed last night and M said to me…
“Maybe we’ll just grow old right here”.
Sounds good to me.