Would you come with me if I asked?

I was minding my own business,  (no, really!)   just driving down Middlesex turnpike heading into Old Saybrook… when I noticed something there.. up on the hill, opposite the plethora of car dealerships. HOW had I missed that before??…  It was an old abandoned house, with yet another behind it.  And a remarkable house, indeed.

  They’ve been there for a very long time, these two old structures… and there’s no way to count how often I’ve passed them by.  This time was different because there has been some obvious clearing out by the road in front of the two structures and they are now exposed, easy for  passers by to see.Perhaps someone is looking to buy the property?  I just don’t know. 

  I asked the husband if he’d take a ride with me to photograph the place.   Uh-uh.  Nope. not doing it. The kids had the same reaction.   *sigh*     I often go it alone when a structure intrigues me so, but it’s not my first choice… especially to a place as creepy as this one.   These TWO.

 I don’t yet know the history.. other than to tell you it was used in the 1971 movie  “Let’s Scare Jessica To Death”…. go ahead, google it and you’ll see images of the house. There are the local stories that it is haunted by the spirits of two boys and their nanny.  People claim they have seen faces in the windows, felt spirits when entering the house (now impossible because it’s all boarded up).   I did look for faces… it’s a horrible thing I do to myself, scares the bejezus  out of me and yet I do it anyway.  What’s THAT about?  As a teenager I loved the horror movies… I’ve never yet seen the entire Exorc*st, having attempted to watch it several times only to hold a blanket over my eyes and fingers in my ears through half of it.  Ridiculous.      

 Anyway.. are you ready?… you’re coming with me, whether you like it or not.

and the house behind this one….
So.. did you see any faces???…
SHHHHH!!!    Don’t tell me.