You Go, Girl

Feels like I’m being a bit of a braggart here,
I hope it’s not coming across that way,
just want you to know it’s not my intention.
I’m particularly proud of my girl right here,
because she’s had some real hard knocks in life..
the kind that hit you broadside and change life as you knew it
 in an instant.  She works hard every day to overcome them.
So, forgive me the bragging, won’t you?
I am so proud of the dedication she shows to this horse she
took on, how she cares for him better than some folks care for their kids..
and how she works with her horse almost every day after putting in time at her day job
  to accomplish their goals.
I’m just giving her a shout out in this little space of mine,
because I want her to truly believe that she’s doing more than  OK
Can I brag just once more?
I told you about the cost of showing in a previous post,
and how some of the show clothes cost more than a downpayment on a car.
In outfitting K and Max for the show season, we’ve been trying to find deals
with used tack and even gently used show clothes.
This shirt was made for the designers daughter, but she wanted
something different. She and K are about the same size!
  Sooo… we got a great deal.
I love when that happens.

29 thoughts on “You Go, Girl”

  1. It's such a glorious looking blouse on her with her dark hair. Hope you got it for a song and dance. 🙂

  2. She is beautiful and it's definitely ok to be proud of our children especially when they are great kids and hard workers! My daughter is also had a hard time for her it is learning difference of dyslexia, add and a cognitive deficiency. We homeschool and she has worked to hard to come to her grade level in reading but still struggles with math and spelling. Her outlet is dance and she is amazing even when due to the dyslexia she finds herself twirling in a different direction from the others! I think kids who have had struggles of any kind are more grounded. So hell yeah! Brag on her! That is all.

  3. Karen, please DO brag & be proud, giving her credit and kudos for being a wonderful young woman!

    I believe, with all my heart, that
    dedication, determination and responsible behavior should be acknowledged and praised. It's the confirmation of family, community and society that 'doing the right things' and making solid choices are noticed.

    Considering that she's also overcome significant challenges too you should be very proud of her (and she should be proud of herself)!.

    And a bit of credit to you too, because having a mom who loves deeply, cares always (yet resists the urge to just 'fix' problems and challenges) has a lot to do with how the kids they are proud of become the adults that inspire that pride….

    PS she looks lovely in that blouse (and what happy bargain – woot!)


  4. What a beautiful young lady – add strength of character to the mix and you have EVERY reason to be proud – so brag away! Love reading about showing horses – a sport about which I know nothing. Clearly she's absorbed your love of all Gods creatures!

  5. Animals are hard work and a commitment. They make you stronger and more compassionate and apparently give you happy endorphins so it's a win win. Love that shirt.

  6. You have bragging rights, Karen! And your daughter is lovely, very responsible and focused. And pat yourself on the back…you played a big part in that.


  7. It's okay to brag. Your daughter is so lovely and looks gorgeous in that show shirt. Lots of people sell their show clothes, and they should! So many people only wear them a few times and then get something new. And they are expensive! Taking care of a horse is so rewarding and you get so much love from them. I hope she can keep pursuing her dreams for as long as she wants.

  8. What a beauty your daughter is… you can see her lovely spirit shining in her face and smile.
    It's always okay to brag about your kids, grandkids.. anyone in your life who deserves recognition.
    Yay for your daughter and for her parents as well.
    Way to go girlS 🙂

  9. Aw, brag all you want. She's beautiful and every girl needs that support and reinforcement from her mother.


  10. Just lovely…both your daughter and your words about her.

    It's ironic this was your post tonight, as I have been mulling over a similar post (my daughter was soooo excited to earn a lead role in the school play only to have some "friends" make fun of her lisp). Your words have helped calm me and the direction of my thoughts.

  11. Karen, we mom's can brag all we want. We are our kids biggest fans, us moms. Wonderful, beautiful young lady. Be proud. Blessings, Karen

  12. So, hows that modeling gig going for her? If she isn't modeling, she should be.

    And hey, no need for the heads up to us for bragging on your kids….have you read my blog?

    You should be proud, and it's apparent you are. Thats a good thing.

  13. Absolutely beautiful! A stunning young lady and the photo is just perfect! You should be proud of her 🙂

  14. You just go on and on bragging mom — she's a beautiful girl and I'm so glad she's doing well. There are so many stories of young people who are not — so it's refreshing to read about those kids that are trying to do the right thing. xo

  15. Every daughter should know how proud her Mom is of her. Keep telling her over and over, and someday she'll pass all that goodness along to her children too. You are just laying the pathway of the future! Keep it up!!

    Lisa in Fort Worth

  16. You know…I thought I had commented on this one…but I probably didn't hit PUBLISH..:) Kristin's outfit is just gorgeous!!! I'm a huge fan of pink and bling…so the combination is awesome!! Hope she continues to make you proud! You are totally ok bragging…you have every right to be so proud of her!!

  17. Oh I know I'm late commenting, but I'm behind as usual on my blog reading and didn't want to let this one pass without saying that it's so fun to read about you DD's show days!
    Love her shirt and it's awesome to read of her dedication to her horses.
    I have such wonderful memories of showing my Appaloosa back in the day. Have colored hats come back into style yet? I still have my canary yellow one that I just couldn't bear to part with when I got rid of all my old show togs.

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